chapter 23

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"What?" I asked her 

"I care for you and-" she stopped, tears running down her face. 

"And what?" I asked her in a hash voice. 

I know it was harsh of me to talk to her like that but she was married for Allah's sake!!! 

"And-" she took a gulp down and continued "I have fallen for you!" 

I stood there staring at her. 

Thunder striked and she scremed ducking down as if the lighting will kill her!

"But- but- you are married!" I said 

Why was she playing such games with me!

"I am no- not- married!" she replied

"WHAT?!" I screamed at her. 

She gasped and began crying. 

"All these while you were in the arms of a non mahram!?!" I asked her in disbelief. 

"Astagfirullah no! I had no idea I was not married to him until yesterday!" she said looking at her feet. 

Her face was red and she was soaked wet. 

"Then? Explain!" I said 

"I- well, i was sold to him, I was sold to Kadeer. Just for a little money my parents sold me to him! I went with him to Dubai, he was not my husband, he never touched me or anything, they said he was my husband but in fact he was not, he blackmailed- me- and made me-" she started sobbing. 

I stood there clearly not knowing what to think or say. 

Sold? Money? Blackmail?

"They made me a bar dancer, made me wear clothes that took away my modesty and- and-" she continues but sobbed again

"The girl, Lia, she was- w-a-s my mistress and soon I had to run away and thats what I did. I ran away after I took all my things from her. I ame here and settled down with this family, little- did- (hiccup) i kn- (hiccup) ow that my own aunt would tell Kadeer about me!" she sobbed 

"You mean to say-" I said as i put all te puzzle together, why Lia called me, why Kadeer was here. 

"I was blackmailed!" she replied "I was told that if I go away, I would be a married woman and no man will marry me even if Kadeer divorced me! Evan though Kadeer never was with me in Dubai, no one would marry me. But I guess Allah had something else in for me!" she said

"So why are you telling me this?" I asked dumbly. 

"What part of I LIKE YOU don't you get!?!!" she asked fuming. 

I chuckled. 

"So you are not married?" I asked 

"No I am married and still I am EFFING TELLING YOU THAT I AM NOT!" she screamed the last part sarcastically. 

"Okay Okay! so you love me?" I asked

I decided to play around with her. ;)

"NO!" she replied her tone was fuming even in the rain. 

"Cool then I guess i won't say that!" I replied turning away

"Wait say what!?!" she asked 

"Well you do't like me let alone love me so why should i tell you!" I said smirking

"Wiat I do love you dumbo!" she replied as I turned to he grinning. 

"What?" she asked then she realized what she said and clapsed her mouth. 

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