Chapter 39

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Anotherchappptterrr.......  JazakAllahforthe 21K reads!!!!


"Ahaya- that goes at the top cup board!" I said to her. She was holding a tray of cups and looking for their right place. 

She looked up to the cupboards. I know she was tall enough to reach it but i decided to help her anyways. 

I jumped off the kitchen Isle and walked to her. 

She was so concentrated in something that she did not realize i was beside her. 

I took the chance and rabbed her waist. My hands encirled her thin waist and she jumped up. Since it was only the two of us here so no probz! ;)

"Arshad, let- me-" she said as she tried to get out of my grip. Too bad she was not as strong as me. 

I put my head on her right shoulder and whispered in her ear. 

"Ahaya, stop jumping, you will get hurt!" I said to her and immediately she stopped. 

"Arshad, I have work to do!" she said

"Work can be done later!" i said as I swayed from side to side with her in my arms. 

"Arshad.." she whined "Someone might come!"

I smirked

"Hmmmm....... Nope I am good with just the two of us!" I replied closing my eyes and inhaling her scent. 

"Seriously!" she asked as she pulled me with her to the sink. She opened the tap and sprinkled water on my face. 

I hid my face in her scarf and her scarf got wet with drops of water 

My left hand left her waist and I took water in it and threw it on her face. 

"what goes around comes around!" I said 

Then she threw water at me and then I threw water at her, making sure not to loose grip on her waist. 

Soon enough there was water on the kitchen floor and no dishes were done!

"Arshad, stop!" said Ahaya after laughing. 

"Why?" I asked her as I pulled her close to me

"Arshad, seriously I need to do- waaayyyyy!!" she was saying when she slipped on the floor! 

Lucky she was in my arms or she would have been on the floor. 

"Arshad, I-" she said as she stared at me 

"What?" i aksed her knowing what she was going to say

She blushed as I leaned in to get an actual kiss. 

"Ahem Ahum!" said a voice. 

I immediately pulled Ahaya up and she stood beside me blushing scarlet. 

"Ammi?" I asked and straight away felt stupid for even opening my mouth. 

"Yes Arshad, Ammi!" she said and smirked. 

woah.. Its not only me who is going craazzyy but they are too! Okay that might not have made any sense... Never mind

" ammi, I uh- hav to- h- set the room!" said Ahaya stuttering. 

Ammi nodded at her

"Kinjalll!!" screamed ammi to our maid. 

Kinjall came running in the kitchen. 

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