Chapter 32

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Ya Allah, Thank you all so much for giving me 15K reads, it means alot to me. Also my book is #24 in Spiritual. Love you all readers, votersand comment-ers? :D Love you all!!!!!!! 

Another update in a day! ;) I am awesome eh?



Fawaad was about to explode. 

NZ fufi was ranting on and on about how she was decieved, not that she actually was but you know her- dramatic, while Masi was trying to calm her. 

"NO! Ahdia has to choose-" she said

The ammi and badi mah cut in and again all the crap started. 

I looked at Fawaad and he was staring at Ahdia who was still crying. 

Soemthing tugged my hand and it was Ahaya. I turned to her

"I told you, you hsould not have told them about-" she whispered but a loud booming voice cut her off

It was Fawaad. Ladies and Genltlemen, Fawaad Khan has errupted and a tsunami is soon to hit the surface of this haweli (Mansion)

"SILENCE!" his voice boomed and i was sure my ears were blown down. 

It was almost noon. Out of all the things, I am thinking about the weather. Wow great Arshad! 

"PLEASE! For once just listen to us!" he siad when everyone was quite

Again, i say, if this was a movie, there would be drumrolls and music. 

"Its true that i liked her before she came to India but I had a reaosn for not telling and that reaosn was this!" he said gesturing to the people. "Hell would break lose and I would Ahdia! That was why!"

I smiled internally. Now we are talking bro!

"Then tell me why did you ammi come with her proposal for my son!" asked NZ fufi again.

I guess masi did not answer her

I looked at Masi and she shrugged mouthing she gave her hte answer.

"Fufi-" i said as I stepped forward and Talha walked with me.

"They did not know about him, infact no one did!" I said and Talha nodded

 "I-DON'T-CARE! All I want is for my son to get justice! If this girl-" she said pointing to Ahdia "Can seduce my son then she can do anything!" she said 

Okay that was rude! Ahdia did not seduce anyone! For lords sake, fufi makes her sound like a whore, Astagfirullah. 

"I am not a whore for all we know!" said a voice that did not belong to any of us. It was Ahdia. 

She stepped forward. 

"I am not a seductress, if that even exists, I did not seduce any one! I am just a simple doctor and its true that I love Fawaad and truth be told, there is nothing you can do about it!" she said bravely

Woah! That girl is.... brave

I turned to Ahaya who smiled at her best friend. 

"What are you saying?" asked fufi glaring at Ahdia. 

"No use fufi, I am no backing away. You can say anything about me but you crossed the line by throwing filth on my character! I will not tolerate that!" she glared at Fufi

Fufi looked taken back. She looked around at the family and even Bade Abba seemed pleased with Ahdia. 

"How dare you talk to me like that? Bhai (referring to bade abba) did you hear her tone!?!" asked Fufi

Bade abba nodded and walked towards Ahdia

He took her in his arms and gave her a bear hug. 

All my cousins crowded over Fawaad. 

I walked with Ahaya to NZ fufi ho was standing there stunned. 

"Fufi, its high time I tell you about yuor sons rep in NZ, well he is a well known player there so its better if you give hte character speech to him!" I said and Ahaya smiled

Fufi opened her mouth to say something but Ahaya beat her to it. 

"Ah Ah, no speeched remember.... your suite is ready, you can go have a rest, i will personally call you for lunch!" said Ahdia

Fufi huffed but walked away. 

I went to my cousins and they gave me time with Fawaad. I hugged him. 

"Sorry bro but  I had to!" I said

"Naah its okay.. someday the truth had to come out.. but-" he said 

"But what?" i aksed him

"I have to explain this to Ahdia!" he said as i laughed at him

"Go explain her or she won't talk to you for ages!" I said as he walked away

"I guess Mr. Khan everythign will be okay?" said Ahaya from behind me

"Not okay now, but will be when you say "Qubool hai" 3 times to me!" I siad as she blushed

"You- you-" she stutted lost of words

I laughed as took in her blushing face. 

"Arshad, Arshad!!!" semi yelled Masi

I turned to her. 

"Arshad, I told you to get something!?" she bellowed at me

What did she tell me to get?

"No masi you did not!" I said 

"Udgāra agaṁ, mī gōṣṭī visaraṇē yā prōphā'ilamadhyē āhē!" she siad in Marathi

I laughed at her. She siad "Oh damn, I am begining to forget things!!" in marathi. I am improving in marathi okay!

"No masi, maybe you told someone else? Plus you are my sweet 16 masi leh!" i siad hugging her

She laughed

"Arshad, since you met ahaya, you have become naughty!" she said 

"What to do masi, baing naughty is all i can be when i am under her influence!" I siad and winked at her

She pushed me away playfully and laughed. 

"Okay let me go, I have work to do!" she said 

"Masiii" I whined as she hit my head and walked away. 

I sighed. 

On the bright side, I will be marrying Ahaya in 3 DAYS!!!!!! Which is good coz I did not want any more trouble on my head over Ahaya. 

"Arshad?" said a voice and I turned around to see the person. 

It was a girl about the age of 15, tall, long black hair which was half covered with veil. 

"Yes?" I aksed her

She smiled at me. A smile that I know. 



Well??? Know who the girl is? Until next update!! Be safe my lovely readers..

Oh n in the next chap you will read more of Arshad's mom... ;) 


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