Chapter 27

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Calm down Arshad,  it will be okay.... 

That was what I was chanting all day.

Today was my engagement.  At the hall. 

'Arshaadd!!" yelled ammi's voice from no where. 

'Yes ammi?" I replied as I walked downstairs. 

"Turn around and head back to your room now!"she said sternly coming in the view. 

"But ammi!" I said

"Don't!  Just do as i say!". She replied walking away. 

I turned on my heels and headed back to my so-called room.  I so missed my Dubai room. 

"Bhai?" said Fawaad when he saw me. 

"Yes?" I said looking up from my open laptop. 

"You have to get ready in 3 hours.  Its 4pm now and we have to be there by 6 so... " said Fawaad. 

I nodded as I continued to tap on in my laptop. 

My alarm rang at 5pm and I knew I had to get ready.  Damn. 

" Arshad? " said Talha bhai coming inside my room. 

"Bhai,  a little help please?" I said as I looked at my suit. 

There was no way I was wearing a sherwaani so suit and tie it was. 

It was black suit with white shirt and purple waist coat and tie.  Pretty though. 

"That is why I am here...  Ammi said to help you get ready..  Rehaan,  Adnaan and Fawaad are on their way in here" he said

"Oh shoot...  This is gonna be-" I said but Rehaan Bhai cut me off


I sighed. 


After 2 hours of dressing up,  spraying perfume,  taking selfies (truth be told, it was Rehaan bhai all the time) and calming my nerves down,  I was finally ready. 

"We are done! Lets go!!!" screamed Rehaan bhai

All 4 of them were wearing the the same thing. 

Blue long sleeve shirt with black waist coat and tie.  They looked sophisticated. 

Finally it was time to drive to the hall. 

"Okay Arshad, don't panic, don't talk rapidly,  don't smile like an idiot and please boys don't harrass the couple!" said Talha bhai

He kept giving all directions and all throughout the journey


I set on the stage looking at the effing crowd.  It was alot!!!  Had my parents called all of India!?!!

"Arshad, keep your phone on, We will callll you!" said Rehaan bhai in a sing song voice. 

Oh damn. 

My bride-to-be made a grand entrance. 

She was amazing,  masha allah. 

I felt myself smile.  This was gonna be awesomme!!.

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