chapter 5

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Yes! another chapter..... :) Love u all reading! :D comment ur thoughts on the book, vote and share! :D



Soon after the announcement, all there was to be heard was the bickering of family to Azma either teasing her or congratulating her.

The engagement was three days later and that’s why we were called!

After that we all retired for bed.

I headed to my room that was the end of the house near the terrace.

As I was going someone called me.

"Arshad?' The female voice said. It was Ammi.

I turned to Ammi.

"Yes Ammi?' I asked her

"Beta, please be early tomorrow, I want to visit the village!' she said smiling at me

"Ammi, why the village?' I asked her

"Ah, I just want to... visit them' replied Ammi. "Now go to bed' she continued.

"Salaam, Allah Hafiz!' I said and turned to go to my room.

"Was salaam, Allah Hafiz!' she said and went away.

I walked towards my room

"Ars-h...ah...?' said the voice again

"Arshad' I corrected her

"Yup...Arshad" she said

I turned to her. Ahaya.

"Hey stranger' she said smiling

She was wearing sneakers as usual, green skinnies and white dress with green Hijab.

I was not surprised...

"Hey... ah.... " I said unsure of what to say

"Ahaya' she said

"Nice name... " I said

"So did you eat there?" she asked me gesturing the dining hall.

I could not help but ask, "Eh why was your Ammi yelling at you at the terrace?"

"Not my Ammi" She said

"Ah what?" I asked her

"I am..... not her daughter" she replied calmly

"So why was she yelling at you?" I asked

She sighed

"You ask too many questions" she smiled and said

"Can't help it, runs in blood" I said smirking.

I didn't know why but lately I have been smirking alot!

"As salaam alaikum, good night and Allah Hafiz" she said and walked away.

I smiled at her. What did that cute as amazing girl- what the hell was that!?!!!

I shook my head and went in my room. I could not sleep… darn…….


So how was it?? Pliz comment.. :D 


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