chapter 20

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It has been a week since the wedding and my unfortunate incident. ahaya smiles at me occasionally but I ignore knowing that if I do, I will loose myself to her. Kadeer, much to my headache, is living with us until i don't know. 

"Give me that will you!" screamed Ash as Ahaya ran up with her jar of Nutella. I must say, that girl has taste. 

"NO!" screamed back Ahaya. 

'NAQEEBAH AHAYA LUQMAAN! You better be good at running!" screamed Ash as she took off after her. We were in the garden outside and they were chasing each other. I laughed at them. Then it hit me. 


My eyes shot up to her. Kadeer came and set by me. I scowled

"Pretty, isn't she?" he asked me. 

I scoffed 

"Oh don't lie Arshad..... you did like her! Her eyes, her smile, her laughs and that body-" he stated but I cut him off before he could proceed to all those dirty things about her and I make him my living punching bag. 

'DON'T EVEN GO THERE!" I growled and I got up to leave. 

"So you want to see her die?" he asked me

I stopped dead on my tracks. I turned to face him. 

"Yes.. yes all that crap you are thinking" said Kadeer "I just married her for a reason...."

"What would that be?" I asked him

"Find out.. oh and don't forget to call Lia" he smirked before walking off. 

it took me a while to get him. Lia was the donkey who called me asking about Ahaya or Naqeebah but how does he know her? 

WAIT! Connected... come on Arshad... think of ways... 

Since I couldn't think of any way, I decided to call her myself. 

"Oh well.. thanks for gracing us with your call!" said Lia as soon as she picked up her call. 

"Why do you want to know about Naqeebah?' i asked her straight forward. 

"Oh interested are we?" she asked back

"Answer my damn question Lia!" I growled

"She is a worker of mine. She was suppose to be with me about 5 months ago but she did not come! I heard she was in India so I called you!" replied Lia. 

"What work?' i asked 

"You would not want to know, baby!" she replied laughing. 

'I ASKED WHAT WORK!?!!!" I screamed at her. 

i did not care if anyone heard me, I was getting this done fair and well! 

"I have a bar lovely! I get girls to work for me!" she replied chuckling

"So what do you want from Naqeebah?' I questioned back. 

There were a million questions running in my mind. 

"She is one of my fu****g workers here at the bar!" replied Lia frustrated. 

"For how long did she work?" I asked her back

She hung up. 

Great! Ahaya was a bar dancer? Is this my damn life!?!!! I so wish I had never came to India!!! At least i would be safe at my room! I hoped this was some dream and when I woke up, everything is back to normal. 

"Arshad?" said a voice behind me

I turned to see haan bhai. 

He walked and hugged me. 

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