chapter 21

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The sun glimmered infront of me, its rays parting graciously in between the tall trees and bushes. I was standing in front of the river near the mansion. I looked at my watch, it was 5.55am. Perfect timing to watch sunrise after Fajr. 

I stared ahead thinking about yesterday. I wish that ammi and abba knew about Talha's whereabouts or I could tell them but I knew I can't. It would only cost them hurt, anger and pain. I was not ready for that. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket as I checked for the caller. 

I slid the screen and answered Abba's call. 

"As salamu alaikum, abba" I said

"was salaam beta, rush to the hospital, Fawaad is in the emergency ward" he replied

I felt shiver run down my spine. 

"what happ-" i started when abba cut the call. 

I sprinted up the hill to my SUV. I started the engine and drove above speed limit to the hospital. My GPS guided me and soon I was sprinting in the doors of the hospital. 

I came to a halt infront of Masi and ammi who were sitting there. 

Masi looked up to me and fresh tears began rolling down her cheeks. I knelt down and hugged her. 

"He-e- i-s-s...m-a-y--on-l-ly- s--o--o-n" she said in between sobs. 

I rubbed her back. Finally she let me go and I looked at ammi. 

"What happened?" I asked her

"I-am-" she said but did not complete her sentence as Ash came in the view. 

Ammi and Masi got up and walked to her. 

I turned to look at her when Ahaya caught my eye. I looked down. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Haan. He took my hand and guided me out of the place. 

I wanted to see Fawaad but- first- why was he here!?!

"Sit!" haan bhai gestured to the bench by the tree outside. 

"How did it happen?" was my first question. 

"fawaad-he got in a heated arguement with...Ash. She.. well... um told him that Adeel was better and all so as you know fawaad, he did not let out his anger on things, he got in his car and drove- on high speed I may add- towards the city lanes. His car got in collision with a truck and it was crshed. The driver was good enough to get him to the hospital on time or else.." stated Haan Bhai. 

I listened quitely as I felt water in my eyes. My brother....

I looked up at him and asked "What was the arguement about?" 

"That we don't know" he said "Oh and no one except me and you know that it happened after the arguement with Ash" he added

I remained silent. 

Suddenly filled with anger, sadness, shock and rage, I got up and stormed into the hospital to Ash. 

This girl was gonna get a hell from me! 

"what-" she said as I pointed her to sit. I was angry. 

She quitely set down. 

"what did you say to my brother?" I questioned her. 

"Nothing" she replied looking down. 

"Look at me when I talk!" i growled at her. She looked up to me. 

"What did you say to him?" I asked her again

"I-s-a--id n-nothing" she stuttered

"Oh really? then why is he in the hospital with NO FREAKING HOPE OF COMING BACK!?!!" I screamed at her. 

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