Bonus Chapter- Fawaad- Part 2

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This is the last bonus chapter.... sorry but this is the last one... N'Joy!!! :D 



From that day, I realized that alot of things had changed. Arshad bhai had gotten together with Ahaya coz of me, he was depressed and Ahaya admitted her feelings for him and their wedding. 

I was happy for them until the day when NZ fufi had made a whole drama about Ahaya. I mean come'on, everyone knows about Adeel's reputation in NZ and he is going to be a father soon, for Allah's sake! 

That day when Ahdia cried, it felt like i lost a million dollar deal.... hack I even had the thought to console her but I did not want to cause any more trouble here! 

Then Arshad bhai had to open the effing deal about me liking her from Dubai. Then there was drama.... then they made us choose... I did not want to errupt but soon after that when i had explaining to do with Ahdia, it was not that bad........

Then we both were on good terms, Alhamdulillah. 

I still remember our wedding day when my whole family had this celebration.... the happiness and what not! 

That day when we found out Madiha bhabhi was pregnant and the day when Ahaya declared she was too! 

We had the time of our lives.... 

When Ahdia got pregnant with my first child, I was happy as any man would be but then the misfortune happened. 

I remembere it clearly... 

We were planning a day out for all the "suealing Girls"- Don't judge, Arshad bhai made the name- when I got a call from ammi syaing to reach the hospital ASAP. 

I had actually droe above speed limits and had to pay for overspeeding but my wife was more important. 

When I reached the hospital, Arshad bhai, Ahaya bhabhi with their first child Naumaan and Talha bhai were there. Naumaan was just months old so he was asleep. 

I was told to see Ahdia first and when I went to see her, she was actually crying. 

Then the news hit me like a tornado. 

My first child was dead..... Ahdia had a miscarriage. She was just 4 months pregnant and she was well that morning... 

She was crying for the loss of our first child but as Arshad bhai said "If Allah takes something from you, he will replace it with something better!" That was enought to console Ahdia. 

For months she was depressed and Doctors said if she remained like this, it would slowly kill her. 

With the help of my whole family, we managed to het her happy when Ahaya declared she was pregnant again. Since she was working, Ahdia said she would take care of Naumaan. 

Naumaan made her happy, being 2 years old, he seemed quite smart. Ahdia treated her as her own son which made us happy. 

All too soon, when Naumaan was 5, Alhamdulilah, we had our first child. After so many years, Allah Ta'ala gave us a daughter. A daughter that was the youngest in the family.

Arshad bhai named her Aaeedah, meaning reward. Indeed she was a reward to us from allah Ta'ala. 

As time flew by, Aaeedah became close to Naumaan. They had their sibling relationship like no other. They did things together and always were together. Even Tanveer, Talha bhai's son and Zulfiqar were close to her. She was like the queen in between her brothers. 

Our family was/ is Alhamdulilah very well loved. Indeed Allah is great.... 


Sorry was short but it got hte point! ;) So how was the book?? Comment, vote and read.... 

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Love you all!!


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