chapter 17

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"Masha Allah!" I said under my breath. That particular girl who was today, much t my surprise, alot ladylike, was walking down the stairs. 

Ahaya and Ahdia walked down much like a princess. Ahaya was wearing a long green full length kameez with baby pink hijaab. She looked.... amazing! I was so absorbed looking at her that when AMmi screamed i my ear I woke up form what seemed like a beautiful dream! 

"Arshad Uzayr Khan!" she said loudly in my ears. I jumped up and away. 

"Why were you so lost!?!!" asked Ammi

I felt blush creep up to my neck. 

"' i stammered as i mentally face palmed myself. 

"why are you stammering?" she asked and then looked up to the stairs. 

I looked down. Oh damn!

I could not see ammi but I could feel her grinning beside me. 

"Oh... Ash!!!" She said above the music

I looked up at her. I was scarlet red and I assure you, I looked like an overgrown tomatoe! But why did she call Ash?

"Salaam lovely!" said Ash as she approached us. I looked out for Fawaad. 

He was stuck with Masi. 

Today was so not our day!

I looked up at ammi. She was grinning at me. 

"Ammi ash.. um.. I-uh" I stammered AGAIN!

Ash gave me a weird glance. 

"Why lovely Arshad, why are you stammering?" asked Ammi embarrasing me more

"I uh.. pleaa--se?' i stammered again. 

Ash stood there looking at me as if I was someone from outer earth. 

"Ash?" Ammi turned to Ahaya. 

"Yes?" Ash asked back

"Can you please lead my lovely son out to the garden to get him some fresh air?" asked Ammi

She nodded and soon both of us were walking out of the room. I looked at Fawaad but he gave me a Can't-Do-Anything-Bro look. 

"Remember when I told you that I saw you somewhere?" asked Ash suddenly 

I looked up at her. She was wearing a black and white full length kameez with the same type hijaab. 

"Where?" I aked back. 

"Newspapers back in UK" she replied smiling "Under the business section" 

"Oh!" I said 

"Yesterday i surfed up your name on google, I got your news and all so yeah..." she replied

"Oh and There was photos of you in Fawaad's place!" she said looking down. 

was it my imagination or did she just blush? 

"Yeha.. we uh.. speant most of our lives together" I replied looking up to the stars

"Really?" she asked interested

"Yeah.. in college we were the unseprable bros!" I smiling at the memories. 

"How come I never saw you at his place in Dubai?" she asked 

"Coz when I come there, there is hardly anyone home!" I replied

"We should probaly head in!" she said 

I nodded as we made our way in the hall. 


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