Chapter 6

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Before I drifted off to sleep, a knock came on the door. I got up and opened it.

"Ammi?" I said as I opened the door wider to let her in.

"Arshad?" she sighed as she set on my bed.

I walked over and set beside her. I put my head in her lap and she stroked my hair.

"Arshad" she said as she continued to stroke my hair. "What did you think about Bade Abba's question?" she asked slowly.

"Maa!!" I whined as she laughed.

"No seriously" said Ammi in between laughs.

"Mah' I said as I set up. I took her hand in my hand.

"Ammi, we are a complete family, me, you and Abba" I said

"A family is not complete without a daughter-in-law!" insisted ammi.

"No Ammi, I would never find a girl like you" I said.

I always wanted a girl like ammi. Respect is what a girl always has to have and Ammi was the perfect role model.

"I have a girl in mind....." she said "She has what you call respect!"

"And just who may this be?" I asked

"Amm..... she is.. well a daughter of a friend of mines" said Ammi hastily.

"Its a no!" I said

"But you have to a–" she said but I cut her off

"No meeting nothing Ammi, I dont want to get married and right now....definately no!" I said seriousness in my voice.

"But–" she said but the cracking of my rooms door saved me.

Abba entered the room.

I got up and hugged my father. I was more close to him then Ammi.

"And what is going on?" he asked smiling at my ammi.

"Ah.... Marrige talk" replied Ammi.

"Nope... there is no chance of my son getting married now" said Abba.

I knew he would take my side.

"And as if you did not say that!" said Ammi.

"Okay maybe not now but... later... until he finds his princess..." said Abba.

He always said that whenever there was a daughter in law in the house, he would call her princess. so yeah...

Then my ammi and Abba broke into an funny couple arguement about my wedding.

As they fought about me, I put my head on Abbas lap and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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