chapter 33

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Okay so another chap... books about to finish.. *wipes away tears*


Oh and dedicated to nnb_muslimah for her awsome book.. check out "Years of Misery" Its sooo nice! I find it awesome! ;) 


She looked familiar. 

"Neha?" said Ahaya from behind me. 

The girl looked behind me and squealed in happiness. 

Ahaya ran and hugged her. 

Okay, question time, who is she?

How are you my lil doll?" asked Ahaya

"Appi! salaam!" she said smiling

"Wa alaikum mus salaam! How are you?" said Ahaya laughing with her

"I am good, i could not wiat to meet you!" the girl called neha said

I cleared my throat. 

"Oh right, Arshad, this is Neha, Neha Arzoo Luqmaan! My little sister!" said Ahaya 

I stood there dumbfonded

when did she have a little sister!?

"She was in boarding school as these years so she-" said Ahaya indicating Neha has no idea about all this things going on. 

I nodded. 

"As salamu alaikum!" said Neha smiling brightly at me

"Wa alaikum mus salaam! Arshad!" I said 

"I know, my sis talks alot about you!" she siad 

I looked at Ahaya and she blushed deep red. 

"I gather it was not so good things?" I said 

Neha grinned 

"Not really but she praises you alooott!!" she replied

"Okay! That i did not expect!" i said smirking in Ahaya's direction

"Neha?" said Ahdia coming in the view with Fawaad. Guess they are okay now 

"Ahdi appi!!!" squealed Neha and hugged her. 

"And you must be Fawaad jiju?" she said looking at Fawaad who laughed. 

Ahaya stood by me 

"I gather she talks alot?" I say to Ahaya

"No, she blabbers alot!" she replied

"Oh but i like her, she is so cute... like the older sister!" I winked at her

"Arshad!" she whined as she pushed me playfully

I laughed. 

"Wanna go out?" i aksed her

"No!" she replied playing with her ring. it was not my ring but she played with it. 

"Ahaya I-" I started to say but ammi beat me to it. 

"AHHHAAAYYA!!!" She screamed as she hugged my fiance-to-be

Ahaya laughed and hugged her back. 

"Oh i see Neha is also here! come here baby!" said ammi to Neha who was smiling at her. 

I wonder how ammi knows Neha? hmmm.... Ah well, it was ammi we were/ are talking about here! She knows everything!

Neha hugged her and coughed when ammi's hug became violent and bone crushing. 

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