Chapter 22

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ARSHAD!!!!" Screamed a voice 

I turned to see Talha and Madiha enter the waiting room or more like sprint inside the waiting room. 

All heads turned to them. They had their hands entwined and I knew they were in for questions. 

I turned to ammi


Chapter 22

I turned to Talha and back to Ammi. 

Ammi had the at-war expression and seeing their hands entwined had set her off lane.  She looked clearly sad,  angry and hurt.  All at once. 

Madiha ran to me and hugged me.  She was like an elder sister or sis in law now to me. 

Talha walked up to Abba and stood in front of him. 

Soon he hugged abba and surprisingly abba hugged him back. 

They let each other go and Talha turned to Ammi. 

Ammi stared at them silently. I knew she wanted to hug him as he was her most loving son but- she can be stubborn at times. 

But to my surprise they hugged. Ammi kissed him on his forehead as she let him go. 

"Why did you not come back?" she asked Talha, her voice breaking

"I thought yopu said I cannot come until I was proven guilty" said Talha slowly. 

I looked at te doctor who was staring at my family in disbelief

I walked to him and he smiled up at me. 

"How is Fawaad?" I asked him

"He is... not very progressive! If I have t be honest, its better if you all start to see him one by one. I really don't think he would survive" said the doctor. 


"I mean it, Mr. Khan" said the doctor. 

I pulled his collar and pinned him to the wall. 

How dare he say my beloved brother won't survive!?!!!

I felt someone grab my shoulders and yank me away from the doctor who was incredibly in pain. 

I turned to see Talha pulling me away. 

He took my hand and looked at me. 

"Its okay... we will get the best doctors of dubaii here to see him, k?" he said as I nodded. 

"Now go home and rest" he said 

"No, ammi and-" I protested but he stayed firm on his decision. Now i know why I am so good at that! 

"I am here? I will take care of things.. its high time I be te eldest brother and son of this family!" he said as I nodded and headed out of the hospital. 


The house was empty. Everyone was at the hospital so I had to cook and est something alone. 

I walked up the cold stairs as I looked out the window. 

the clouds were dark and it seemed like to rain today. I loved rain, alot, but today... it seemed like it was all crying for my loss! 

I heard the rain drops plop on the windows and ceilings as I entered my room. I opened the balcony window and set down in the pouring rain. It was nice to be in the rain. For once I felt relief all over me. 

My thoughts wondered to Ahaya. I wondered why she did that? What did Lia mena when she said Ahaya was her worker, a bar dancer? 

All those thoughts couded my mind and I let out a low but hearable scream. My hair was wet and my clothes were all stuck to my body causing water to tun down my spine and send shivers all over my body. 

"ARSHAD!?!" screamed a voice behind me. 

I looked up to see just one person I least expected to see here, Ahaya. 

"What are you doing in the rain, you could get sick for Allah's sake!" she said as she came out in the rain herself. 

"Don't!" I stopped her from coming out. "Just leave me alone" I said

"But for all we know, you could get sick!" she said 

"Sick and die? yeah... I would love too! Now leave me alone and STOP ACTING LIKE YOU CARE FOR ME LADY!" i screamed the last part at her. 

She was taken back but she did not leave her spot. 

"No, I won't!" she replied

Hasn't she hurt me so much that she wants to let me down again?

"And why won't you?" I asked her 

She walked in the pouring rain. 

"Because-" she said, her vice hoarse

"Because what?" I spat at her



Sorry for the late update becoz of exams... lov u pple... MUAH


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