Chapter 10

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So it seems I have to head to New Delhi tomorrow for my eye checkup.

As soon as I went home the first question asked was "Did you find her!?!!" in a dramatic way by you can guess... Haan Bahi!

"Find who?" I asked.

"Your to be bride!" he replied

I laughed.

"How about you get a wifey and that bhabhi looks for a girl for me?" I suggested.

At that he fired me. I ran all the way up the stairs and then just my luck, slipped and fell on some poor thing.

"ARRGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" screamed Ahaya.

"Sorry!" I said as I got up looking around for Haan.

"There is a no running policy! heard of that!?!!" she shrieked

I turned to her. Her adorable face was red.... and her hijab was in all directions.

I bit my lip to stop laughing.

"Oh so you tell me that you have not found one yet and here go all lovey shovwly on your.... well our.. ah... friend?!" shrieked Haan.

oh damn.

"Look its not–" I stated but he cut me off

"Not what I am thinking? well stop with the drama!" he replied with a smirk.

I turned to Ahaya. She glared at him with an arched eyebrow, clearly asking what the hell is going on?

'Ah... such so cute couple!" gushed Haan like a girl. "Better tell Badi Ammi about it!" he said as he ran.

"Waiitt!" I screamed but he was too fast and half way downstairs.

"Ammmiii!!" he screamed as the whole room turned to him. I face palmed.

I was in for hell.

I ran downstairs.

"Ammi did you–" started my brother but I stopped him .

"Badi Mah did you ah... see his jacket?" I asked smiling at my brother.

"Ah yes!" said Haan obviously catching up.

"Check in your room" said Badi ammi.

"Okay!" He said as he pulled me along with him to his room upstairs.

As soon as we were in his room, he pulled me down on his bed.

"Good lord, bro! I am not gay!" I laughed with him.

"Tell me what was that out there!?" He demanded.

I laughed

"What?" I asked him as I stopped laughing.

"I am serious!" He said.

"Fine!" I sighed. "We have nothing!"

"WHATT!?!!!" he screamed as if I told him I am a father of an illegimate child!

"Ah yeah... There is and I make it clear, will not be, anything in between us!" I said

"But... But–" He said dramatically "You two look.... so... cute together!!!!!"

I sighed. Not again.

"I don't like her that way!" I said

He got up and walked half way of his room and said in an dramatic way...."Oh you will!" and walked to the door.

I laughed at his way.

Then he stopped suddenly and turned to face me. I was still sitting on his bed.

"Wait a minute!" he said dramatically "This is my room!"

"So?" I asked

"So you go, I stay!" He said as he walked to me. "Besides she might be waiting for ya!" He winked as he ran to his closet and closed the door.

Damn him!!!

"I will see I do that when I get a girl for you!!" I warned him as i walked out of the room.


I went to my room to pray Magrib.

"Bhai?" said Azma as I went downstairs after prayers to see the wedding preparations.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

"Can you... ah" she said shyly.

'What is it?" I asked her

She smiled. "Can you drive Ahaya to the village market?" she asked

"Now?" I asked

"Yeah" she said.

"Okay" I said "Tell her to meet me at the front yard in 5 minutes" I said as i went to my room to get my wallet and handkerchief.

"Where are you going?" asked Haan.

"Market!" I said as I walked downstairs 

"Hold on, I am coming!" he said as he ran to his room.

I sighed. Just another luck....

Since it was almost Isha, i decided to pray at the mosque as she went shopping but then again its not good to let her alone at night.

I got in the SUV and started it. I drove to the main yard and found the Ahaya waiting.

She got in the back seat as I waited for Haan.

"Salaam" she said

"Was salaam. " I replied smiling

"What are we waiting for?" she asked.

"Who–" I corrected her "Waiting for Haan bhai"

She looked puzzled.

Oh they knew him as Rehaan.

"Rehaan bhai" I said

She nodded.

"Whahhhaaattt?" said Haan Bhais voice.

Oh Allah

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