chapter 15

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"Ahaya where are you?' i asked her. i had to call her up and ask her this as she was missing.

"Am... I am in the arrival terminal of the flights coming from Dubai why?" she asked

"Wait there, we coming!" I said as I hung up.

I grabbed Fawaad's hand, who was sorta, no totally out of this world, and dragged him all the way.

"So who is coming?" I asked Ahaya once we reached her,

Fawaad, alhamdulliah, was now back to normal.

"Am..." started Ahaya but was cut off by a scream of her name

"AAHHHHAAAYYYAA!!!!!!!!" The female voice screamed.

Ahaya turned and grinned.

"Ashhh!!!!" she also screamed. I stood there wondering if it was normal for people to scream at New Delhi Airport?

I turned to Fawaad.

What was wrong with him?

He was frozen at his place.

"Its her!" was all he said.

Who was what?'

Chapter 15

"Fawaad?" I said to him as his expressions hardened, then turned soft, then again hardened.

I flicked my fingers in front of him.

"HUH?" he asked

"What is who, wait why are you blank and all.... not you?" I questioned in one breath

"Nothing" he replied "I am out int he cafeteria and call me when we go home!"

With that he headed out.

I turned to Ahaya and the girl.

The girl was now standing and chatting happily with Ahaya. she was wearing black jeans with a white and blue dress, she had on a white and blue hijab mixed with black i think. She was wearing boots and looked very simple. She had her glasses, i think in one hand and shades in another. SHe looked yypical tomboy. Yup definately Ahaya's bff!

"Who is he?" she asked Ahaya rather loudly.

I smiled at her and walked towards them.

"salaam!" I said smiling.

"wa alaikum Mus salaam! If you are a killer, I know karate, kang fu and many other-" she started to say when Ahaya cut her off

"Ash Ash, calm your horse girly! He is just a friend... actually he is um... Bade Sir's only son!" she replied indicating to me and then to her.

"Oh! Forgive me sir but...aren't you all too familiar?" she asked me

"No I have only seen you here for the first time! and its okay!" I said to her as I turned to Ahaya.

"Forgive me but we have to go. NZ fufi might have reached home so... we must leave and yes i need to look for my so-called-brother!" I said and she nodded.

"We will be in the car park!" she said as I turned to leave for the cafeteria.

I spotted Fawaad at the end of the cafeteria talking to some people.

I walked to them.

"As salaam!" said one of them getting up and smiling at me. The rest did too.

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