chapter 34

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Thank you all my lovely readers... those who commented and those of you who voted. Alhamdulliah this book is doing well in the rankings.. :) Thanks to you all... Jazak allah... :D

Another chapter.... had to think alot as I do not know that much about marriges... yes.. they will be officially married here!! :D 


When days are flying by all too quickly, it means that the person is busy. 



the days to my wedding flew like air. Soon it was thursday, the prayer day. Today as ammi and abba had decided will be a small dua (Prayer) before the wedding. 

"Ammi can yuo-" siad Talha but Ammi was too busy to hear him 

"Madiha!!" he screamed but she also did not come

I let out a chuckle. 

It was my wedding but these boys were over reacting. 

Since everyone was busy, I decided to do things on my own. Ammi had said since it was just Dua today, i could wear anything since it will only be the immediate family that is just the ones living with us so I agreed. 

I took out my black skinnies and white tees and went to the bathroom for a long shower. After shower, i changed into my attire and then walked out of the bathroom. 

Talha bhai was sitting on my bed with his phone and playing with Fawaad's hair. 

I smiled as I walked to them. I picked up my blue and black button up shirt and wore it. Simple but nice. 

The two looked up at me and craked their famous smiles.

"You look handsome bro!" said Fawaad and Talha bhai nodded

"Ah... thanks?" I said not actually knowing what to say. 

"BOYS!!!! get downstairs!!!" screamed ammi and we got up to make our way to the courtyard. 

Everyone was seated on the chairs there and the imaam started the dua. 

He gave a small speech on dua before wedding, explaining the meaning of nikah in islaam. Basically the topic was on nikah, which i really enjoyed. 

One thing that i really liked in his speech was the saying that "The kindest of them all is one who treats his wife well" 

Insha Allah I would be able to treat my wife-to-be well. Well she was already my fiance as our nikah was done but as per ammis orders we had to wait until the official nikah day. 

I smiled to myself thinking about life after nikah. 

The dua concluded with the imaam asking for Allah's blessing in the nikah. 

That night, i could not go to sleep no matter how hard I tried so I decided to call the one I knew would understand, Madiha bhabhi

"Seriously Arshad, you call me in the middle of the night to ask that?!!" she said over the phone. 

"Yes Bhabhi! I am feeling restless and annoyed and-" I started to say but she cut me off

"Okay I get you! But wait, since your bhai is asleep and you call him! He will tell you!" she said 

"I can't! You are suppose to understand me!!" I whined. 

I am so scared and nervous for this nikah! I mean not that I did not want it to happen and all but I am nervous. 

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