Chapter 36

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I am not exactly good at romance and all but I tried my best... enjoy people... Oh n a friend helped em in this.. rima.. I owe her alot!!! :D



"Flight to Dubai via the Al Qatar airlines will depart in 10 minutes, passengers are requested to make their way to gate no 8 now!" said a lady at the intercomm. 

Today we are flying off to Dubai.

It is 4.50am in the morning and we were at the New Delhi airport,leaving for Dubai. I could have just gone in the private jet but ammi and abba were insistant that I take her in a "normal" plane. 

I sighed as I pulled the cart to gate no 8. 

"Ahaya you okay?" I asked her as we walked towards the gate no 8

"Yeah.... just nervous about your family" she said 

"My family? you met half of them in India and they liked you!" I said 

"What if they don't!" she whined

I let my cart go and hugged her

"Chill, they will love you! You always have a way of making people love you!" i said

She laughed and pushed me back playfully. 

"Hey I was right!" I said to her. 

"Yeah!!' she said walking ahead. 

I ran and caught up with her with my cart. 

we entered the gate and walked to the plane. 

"I am taking the window seat!" said ahaya before I could even say anything. 

Abba had called in before the flight saying that Fawaad and Ahdia will be there to pick us up. They had left for Dubai last night after the wedding. 

"So magazines?" she asked me once we were up in the air. 

I was surprised that she did not squeal or scream or get anxious over anyhting when we took off. 

The air hostess greeted us. 

"Ah.. can we get magazines?" asked Ahaya

"Which language, ma'am?" asked the air hostess who had the name badge Xeourie. 

"English!" replied Ahaya

The air hostess gave her the magazine and Ahaya's eyes went wide as huge saucers. 

"What happened?" I asked her looking up from my laptop. 

She handed me the magazine looking through all the rest 

She gasped in surprise everytime 

I took the magazine and looked at the cover. 

It was "News Weekly" with my photo in front. I htink it was when I came to India. 

the rest had my photos but a couple of them had Ahaya and I's pics. 

"The Billionaire In Love!" she read out loud. 

I smiled

"Reported direct from New Delhi India, The Dubai Times has confirmed the engagement of te well known businessman and heartthrob Mohammad Arshad Khan. The billionaire was spotted in the New Dubai Jewellaries with his love named Naqeebah well known as Ahaya." read Ahaya

I smiled at her. 

"The billionaire was with his love for shopping with his family. Ms. Ahaya seemed to be well loved by his family and friends. It was also reported that the duo were planning wedding any time soon.. so all those girls swooning over Arshad Khan, well bad luck, The Billionaire Is in Love so you stand no chance!" she read as a smiled crept up her face

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