Chapter 12

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The following day, I had to fly to New Delhi. I seriously did nit have the mood to go but I had to.

"Salaam Ammi" I said as walked downstairs to my Ammi.

"Wa alaikum Mus salaam, hun!" said Ammi looking up from the vegetables she was cutting.

"What are you doing?" I asked her

"Cutting carrot for *Gajar ka halwa" she replied.

I set down in front of her. I don't get why she works not oy here but in Dubai as well, when she had so many maids to do things for her.

"Why are you all dressed up?" she asked me

"Ah that.. I have to get eye glasses" I replied

"But you only got rid of them like a year ago" she said looking up at me.

"Yeah bu-" I said and was cut off by The voice.

"Arma Aunty" said Ahaya coming in the view. I did not look up. I knew if I saw her, it would result in something embarrassing!

" Yes baby?" she asked Ahaya.

I looked at her in surprise. My ammi who had that discipline mode all the time was speaking this!?!!

Then they started talking away.

"Ahem Ahum!" I cleared my throat.

Ammi and Ahaya looked up.

"Ammi" I said looking directly in her eyes,not wanting to look at Ahaya. "I am leaving... ah for Delhi"

She smiled.

I got up and started to walk outside when Ammi called onto me.

"Arshad," she called and I stopped on my tracks.

"Yes Ammi?" I said looking at her.

"Fawwad is coming" she replied

I walked to her

"What!?!!" I asked in amazement.

"Yes, he is in New Delhi!" she said

"Cool so I can pick him up" I said smiling. "WAIT are the rest coming too?" I asked

She nodded.

"No, no I am not picking them up!" I said shaking my head.

There is no way, like not a single way, I am picking those mangets up!

"You don't have too" Ammi said

I immediately turned to looked at her.

"Yes, they are gonna come by themselves here so you only have to pick up Fawaad. AND you both have to be back by Isha" she said

"How about..... we don't return at all!?!!" I asked her smiling.

"Not gonna happen so now go!!" she said as I walked out.


The drive from home to New Delhi was exhausting, but I made it on time.

"Heyya mate!" said Dr. Dame

I did not know he would be the doctor.

"Dame!" I replied with a huge smile. we shook hands and set down.

"So eyes? again?" he asked as I nodded.

"Come on lets see what glasses you need" he said as he got up and guided me to the machines.


2 hours later I was in this shop looking through the range of frames for my glasses.

"I see someone again needing glasses like he used to all his life" said a voice I can recognise anywhere.

"FAWAAD!" I turned and he ran up to me

"Bhai!" he said as he hugged me.

Fawaad may be my coszin but he was always like my own brother. Since childhood,we were close.

"Let me just select the glasses and we go?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure, no problem" he replied.

I went through all the frames until I came across the raybans square glass frame. It would perfectly fit my lens. I gave it to the shop owner to fix it and paid for it.

"Shall we?" I asked Fawaad.

"Yeah that one, fix it please" He said to the other sales person who was holding the frames with lens.

He then turned to me.

"Glasses?" I asked him and he nodded.


"Just don't scream when you see the family" I waned Fawaad just as we were about to enter the mansion.

He nodded.

We walked in.

"Ass salamu Alaikum!" he screamed to everyone.

"FAWAAD!!!!!!!" screamed Ammi's voice and I knew drama was here.

He went and hugged them all.

I searched for a particular face and......

*Found her*

Ahaya was sitting amongst all my other coszins.

I smiled at her. She was looking at the scene unfolding in front of her.

She looked up and caught my eye. She smiled at me.

She got up and walked into the kitchen. I looked at her.

Soon I saw all my rebellious coszins walking in the hall.

Damn i needed to go.

So I sprinted off to the kitchen.

"What the–" she said as I ran into the open fridge door.

"Sorry" I replied looking in her brown eyes.

I immediately looked down.

"Ah any place to hide?" I asked her.

"Why?" She asked me

"Am.... not the time.. jus tell me" I said impatiently

"Yeah, am.... just go out this way to the hall, down the way to the back door and there is a hut put there, it am..... has all the food n all there" she said guiding me to the hut. I think i knew it....

"Thanks" I said as I made my way to the hut.


5 exact hours later, i heard a knock on the hut.


"Arshad? It Ahaya" she said

I got up and opened the door.

"Come on, all your coszins are up.. in their rooms so.." she said as I got out.

"Thanks..." I said as I adjusted my suit.

"Welcome" she said as she walked back. I jogged and caught up with her.

"So... how was the delhi thing?" she asked me

"I got my glasses if that's what you mean" I said

She wrapped her hands around her body and she was shivering.

I took out my coat and gave it to her like any other guy would do.

"thanks" she said

"No prob" I replied.

We walked in silence until we reached the house.

"Allah Hafeez" I said as I turned to walk away

"Allah Hafeez" she replied as she walked away.

I don't want her to go!

Ya Allah, these thoughts!!!

I shook my head and went up to my room only to find a grinning brother.


Gajar ke Halwa- is a tradition indian sweet containing carrot. 

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