Chapter 40

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  • Dedicated to google

Dedicated to Google as it gave me alllooott of things like descriptions! Indeed today google everything! ;) I know I do that! 

Thank you for all the reads, comments and of course for the votes! 



I ran after her and she ran into ammi. Great!

"Where are you people going for honeymoon?" Asked ammi

Oh hell.

I looked at Ahaya and she stared at me.

"We will leave on Friday, coming Friday" I said

If I had told ammi that we don't know one more, she would be freaking out now!!!

"Good!" She replied smiling and walked away.

Ahaya pulled me up to the room

"What was that? And where are we even going to go?!??" She asked me pacing around the room

I grabbed her shoulders and stopped her from pacing

"Ahaya, we will figure something!!!!" I said

"What?" She asked me

"Come on!!" I said as I dragged her over my laptop.

I opened Google and googled best places to visit.

We scrolled down and came to a stop at the pacific islands section.

"Wanna go to the pacific for a change?" I asked her

Her eyes twinkled and she smiled

"Okkayy... It has..Rotuma, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribats and Fiji." I said

"Let's go to Rotuma, no wait... Ah... Samoa no... Too classy....." Muttered Ahaya to no one in particular I guess.

I clicked on Fiji and to be honest I liked what I saw.

Fiji was a beautiful island in the South Pacific and from the images, pretty too!

"Ahaya, get ready we leaving for Fij tomorrow!"I said to her

"We goinnlg to FIJIIII" she sang in my ears.

I laughed as she jumped around.

I looked at her innocence. Huuuhhhh.... Mine now!!! Take that sakaz! ;)

I walked to her and stopped her from jumping.

I took her face in my hands and stared in her beautiful eyes as I carrased her cheeks with my thumbs.

"You know I love you right?"I said to her

She blushed red and nodded.

I took her in a huge hug.

She inhaled my scent as I carrassed her head.

She let me go and I carrased her face with my cheeks.

She shuddered.

"Arshad that hurts!" She whined rubbing her face.

I chuckled and went to bath for Zuhr prayer.

After shower and being clean made me feel humanly!

I walked out of my closet and set on my bed.

"Ahaya, Zuhur will be soon, bath!" I yelled at her form upstairs.

When she did not answer, I looked down from my bedroom.

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