Chapter 7

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I woke up with the ringing of my phone that was near my ear.

Damn I had forgotten to leave it somewhere that was not near my body.

I flinched at the sound of it.

I got up and picked up my phone 

"Hello, Arshad Khan speaking" I said in a sleepy voice.

"Mr. Arshad Khan, if you are done sleeping...... GET YOUR SELF DOWN FOR PRAYERS!" said the voice

I recognised to be...... hers..

I opened my eyes. WIDE. 

"Who gave you my number?!?" I asked her.

"Am... ah.... just come down to prayers!" she said

"Is this your number?" I asked curious to know... not that I needed it but.... so..... forget it..

"No!" she snapped back.

"Ok... " I said not wanting to hang up.... why? no idea!!

"Okay... then come now! Allah Hafiz" she said and hung up.

I got up and went into my shower.

After that I got dressed and down for prayers.


Soon after Fajr prayer (morning prayer) my whole family set and discussed the upcoming Azma and Adnaan wedding.

I didn't get to see Ahaya, not that I wanted to, as she was in the kitchen with the women and girls.

"So what do you think, Arshad?" asked bade Abba.

My head snapped back on the discussion.

"Ah what?" I asked. This is gonna be..... long.....

"Why are you lost?" asked Haan.

Curse his intelligence! No wander he is in the CBI

"I am not... I was just thinking" I replied covering up for that lost thing..

"About what?" asked Haan.

Damn, is he like questioning me!?!!

Well, what ya think!?!! said my inner voice. 

"Ah.... am... about the wedding?' I said more like a question.

"Oh..." He replied

Then the discussion continued.

I sneaked a glance at the kitchen door and this time made sure I was not lost in the conversation.

Then finally, getting me away from the discussion, my phone rang.

"Ah excuse me" I said as I got up and walked up to my room.

On my way, I glanced in the kitchen window and saw Ahaya looking out of the door.

She seemed to be searching for something.

I smiled at her childishness. I stood there looking at her.

I was so mesmerised at her that I had forgotten that I had a call to attend.

I smiled and then headed to my room to take the call.

Damn how mush she meant to me! 

Woah there!  Where did that thought come from!?!!! 

I shook my head as I entered my room. 

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