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Chapter 3: Family Reunion.


"Isn't it beautiful

how every corner

of the house

radiates with happiness,

when people 

we love the most,

are there?"



As we drove to the place where we used to live, I noticed that the roads and buildings had changed. I was initially born and raised in England, London to be specific before moving to the hectic city of Dubai with abba and ammi. I used to come here for the holidays and from the memories of it, this place seems to have changed drastically.

"Where are we going?" I asked Adnan, looking over to the guy.

"Ah... this is the road to Sukhar village where we are staying" he replied smiling at me before turning back to the road.

"When did Bade Abba and Badi Ammi shift here?" I asked Azma, looking back to her. I remember them living in New Delhi, by the large park where I used to play as a child.

"Long story bhai..." she said, giving me a small smile and I nodded anyway.

I have to ask them once I see them.

The passing trees were beautiful and the land, here were filled with all types of vegetation. It has been a while since I saw these things. We drove through the large forest like lands, past a few houses and markets before entering a large village. It was like Punjab but not exactly that.

The SUV came to a halt in front of the gates of a large compound. I looked over to the nameplate of it.

Khan Mansion. So this is the house they shifted to?

The gates opened and we drove inside. The ride was quite a few minutes of turning around the large and well kept compound. The car finally stopped at the main entrance of the large white mansion. Adnan parked the car in front of the doors and I looked at the guards waiting for us to get off. Azma got off and motioned for me to do the same. I followed her off the SUV and turned to Adnan. He held up a thumbs up before giving me a smile and driving away.

The guards greeted Azma, who nodded at them before walking up and steps towards the main door. It automatically opened and we were greeted by an old lady in her mid- forties.

"As salamu alaikum, Arshad Miya"she greeted me with a smile.

"Wa alaikum mus salaam wa rah matullah hi wa barakatuhu," I answered, forcing a smile on my face to look decent.

"Please cone in" she said gesturing me inside. I nodded and turned to where Azma was. Apparently she had vanished. The woman saw my dismay and let out a small laugh.

"She has already sneaked inside, sir" I nodded at her before following her in. The house was an eerie of silence save for the small laughter that was ringing from the room down the hall from where we were right now.

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