Chapter 27

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"It's cold out here, you know."


Sebastian turns around quickly, staring at the boy calmly, but inside he felt weird, another unknown feeling.

"I guess it is, yeah." Sebastian says quietly, taking another drag of his cigarette, watching as Ciel steps closer to him, stopping in front of him, the tip of their shoes touching.

"I know you don't do boyfriends or commitments, that's not really what I'm asking of you. I had time to think, you know? I don't even think I want commitment right now, but all I know is that I want you. I'm pretty sure it's just a sexual want.. But I want it, you know? I just don't want you to.. fuck other people while I'm in the other room." Ciel looks up, biting on his bottom lip and brings his small pale hand to grip gently onto Sebastian's black coat, fiddiling with the buttons softly. "All I want is to feel good enough for someone, and when I walked out to you fucking someone else when I was literally in the other room made me feel inadequate, not good enough for your liking. I understand that I can want some stuff that may be weird, or freak you o-"

Ciel was interupted by a pair of lips, tasting cigarette smoke. It made his insides flutter, slipping his eye shut and melted into the familiar kiss once again.

It may sound really cheesy, but it felt like comfort.

They kissed slow and gentle, unusual for their kind of relationship. It felt like Sebastian was conveying a message, an unspoken promise.

I promise., was on the tip of his tongue as he slipped it into Ciel's mouth.

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