Chapter 37

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He arrives at the little cafe, wiping his tears and taking deep breaths to calm himself.

He gets out of the car when he feels like he collected himself enough to face his friend. He opens the door and spots the blonde boy immediately, feeling relief rush through him in an overwhelming wave. Just the fact he gets to talk to someone calms him greatly.

Alois smiles at him as he watches Ciel sit down, immediately frowning when he sees the red puffy eyes and whines.

"Baby! What's the matter!"

"Sebastian like, ended, whatever we had. Kind of rudely too. He um," He clears his throat, his next sentence making him want to throw up. "he said I was just another hole for him to fuck and that he knows I have feelings, basically and that can't um, happen."

He feels like he's suffocating, feeling the tears wanting to leak out again but he holds them at bay.

"What the fuck? What a prick! I remember when he came into the bakery and saw me smiling at you he gave me some fucking murderous look. That fucking giant giraffe can't sit there and pretend he doesn't feel shit either, whether it's love, like, or even possessive, like fuck off, you know?" Alois sounds proper angry on the behalf of Ciel, and he really wants to beat that giant's ass.

Ciel gives Alois a watery smile ,busting out into tears. "Why does nobody want me?"

Alois rises immediately from his chair, running to his friend's side and wraps his thin arms around him tightly, giving him little kisses all over, shushing him. "Oh, no, sweetie. Everything happens for a reason, right? Claude and me happened for what I believe is for us to meet, and for you and Sebastian to sleep together. I have faith this will turn out good, just please don't cry, okay? I'm here. I'll be here whenever you need me too, no matter what fucking time, you got it?"

Ciel nods, sniffeling and turns his head to bury it in Alois's neck, shutting his eyes tightly and mumbles out, "I need a place to stay. I was staying with him."

Alois nods. "No problem, my house is your house. Anything of mine is yours, okay?"

Ciel feels overwhelming happy to have Alois. He went from wanting to murder him to wanting to fucking marry him platonically.

"Now let's get your sad ass a cupcake and go to my house and get you settled and cuddle until you're feeling tired enough to not be sad. Day one is always the hardest and that's the most I can promise."

Ciel nods sadly and smiles slightly, fixing his hair and gets up to go to the counter to order a fucking cupcake because he deserves one.

Day one with this hole in his heart, and he hopes he doesn't have many days like this left. It's been a fucking hour.

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