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"Hyejin ah, come out of your room" The older, Hyunjin said.
"Let me finish my writing" Said the younger, hyejin.

"School starts in 20 minutes, we have to go now"

"I'm coming! "

She quickly finishes what she started, packed her stuff and got out of her room.

Hyunjin: what were you writing?
Hyejin: just my thoughts.

The older ruffled his hand against the younger one's hair.

Hyunjin: ready for school?
Hyejin: I guess.....
Hyunjin: if anyone bullies you again, tell me ok?
Hyejin: ok....

Hwang Hyejin, is just like any other kid. Unfortunately, she and her brother doesn't have a lot of money, after get kicked out by their parents. Hyejin always had a feeling that she and her brother were nothing but a mistake made by their parents but her brother always reassured her by saying " Having you by my side is not a mistake, it's a blessing ". Only her brother can make her smile. And also her computer and phone. Her mind likes to wander. She creates fantasies in her mind and make them into a story. She is always on her computer or her phone typing out her thoughts and her stories. If not she will be reading stories in an app called Wattpad or a normal book in general.

Hyunjin: hyejin ah, our bus is here.

The older snapped the younger out of her thoughts. Her mind was wandering. Thinking about storylines for a new story she wants to create.

Hyejin and Hyunjin got on their bus.

Hyunjin: so you came up with a story idea?
Hyejin: mhrm.
Hyunjin: tell me all about it.
Hyejin: well... There is a girl who meets a boy, he seems cold on the outside but is actually really caring on the inside. I guess you can say he's a tsundere.
Hyunjin: interesting... My sister is wonderful

He said as he gave her a little peck on her forehead. He pat her head softly, enjoying the feeling of her soft silky mid length hair.

Hyunjin: hyejin ah, I'll be home late today
Hyejin: again?
Hyunjin: I will be doing double shift tonight. My boss said if I did, I would get a raise.
Hyejin: ah, ok. I appreciate it. I will find a job and support you. Is there any open spots in the cafe?
Hyunjin: actually yea.
Hyejin: then I'll be taking that spot. Tell your boss about me.

She said, smiling brightly.

Hyunjin: will do.

Both of them smiled.

The older took her hand and held it.

People would always think that they were dating but they were actually just really close siblings. Hyunjin is that one overprotective amazing brother that has an almost unreal perfect attitude of love and affection towards his younger sister. And hyejin is that one younger sister who supports her older brother's every decision. She always sticks by his side and he always sticks by hers.

Hyejin has trouble making friends, well actually she doesnt plan on making any because any person who befriends her ends up leaving her saying she is boring and not fun. Because of that, hyunjin will introduce his friends to her. Thankfully, non of his friends hated of left hyejin, instead they all adored her cute ulzzang look like her brother and sweet caring personality.

Lunch break

Hyejin walked to the canteen to find her brother and his friends. Once she finally found them she went to take the spot that her brother saved for her.

Hyejin: hello everyone
Chan: hey hyejin, how are you today?
Hyejin: oh I just came up with a new story.
Hyunjin: why don't you tell them about your story idea
Seungmin: yes tell us Hyejinie
Hyejin: h-heh ok

She told them her story idea and they all "wowed" In amazement. However, one young boy had been staring at her long before she even started talking. This young boy admired her beauty and she speaked. Every thing that she does could make his heart flutter. And he feels like the luckiest boy alive, knowing that she is his best friend and also the most unrealisticly amazing friend.

"No words can describe how much you mean to me"


[8 January 2019]

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now