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-The next day,  Sunday-

Hyejin and hyunjin woke up early at 6am. It was a Sunday so they didn't have work.  Both of them wore simple clothing and walked to the nearby convenience store hoping that they would be discount for bread.  They were lucky that day because all the items at the shop had a 50% discount.  The older and younger hugged each other out of excitement and looked around.  They bought a few packs of bread, some premade rice,  sausage rolls and some drinks.  Those things could last them a few weeks and they only ended up spending 50,000won  for all their items. 

Happy with the purchase,  the 2 siblings walked out.  Upon reaching the door,  hyunjin saw jeongin.

"Isn't that jeongin? " The older asked.  They younger looked at the direction where the older was pointing.  "I see him" The younger exclaimed.

Hyejin: jeongin!

She waved her hand in the air hoping to get his attention.

The brace boy noticed them and walked up to them.

"Hey hyejin,  hey hyung" The braced boy said in a sleepy tone.

Hyunjin: what are you doing here so early in the morning.
Jeongin: my mom heard the new about the discount here and made me come here to buy stuff.

The braced boy rubbed his eyes and yawned.  The 2 siblings found him to be very cute. 

Jeongin: well...i better go buy the stuff before it sells out.
Hyejin: ok bye!  See you at school tomorrow.
Jeongin: bye.

Jeongin continued walking around the store while the 2 siblings walked back home.


'Must be my lucky day' he thought to himself.  He got all the stuff his mom asked him to buy and walked to the cashier.  Then he passed by the drinks section. 

'Gasp,  banana milk is only 50 cents,  it's my lucky day! ' he grabbed the banana milk without hesitation and went to the cashier to pay. 

After paying,  jeongin happily sipped his milk as he walked home.

'Should I visit hyejin and hyunjin hyung? ' he thought as he was walking.  He looked at the bags in his hand.  ' I should bring these home first.  I should text hyejin too just in case they are going out later' he continued walking until he reached home. 

Jeongin: mom!  I'm home and I got the stuff
Mom: ok good thank you.

Jeongin went to his room and plopped onto the bed. 

He took out his phone and began to text hyejin.

Hey hyejin

He waited a while before he got a reply.

Are you free today?
Hmm... I think so. why?
Do you wanna go to the park or something?  Your brother can come too
Oh sure ^^ I'll ask hyunjin if he wants to come
Oh ok ^_^

Jeongin waited a few minutes before he got a reply.

My brother doesn't want to come but he let me go out with you^^ he wants to try some new recipes for dinner.
Oh ok.  Should I go to your house and wait for you?
Ah ok ^^
See you :)
Cya :)

'Score' he closed his phone and got ready. 'What should just wear.... ' he opened his  loser and began picking out some clothes.  'This one?  Nah.  How bout this?  Nahh... ' he threw his clothes on the bed and continued choosing.

In the end,  he chose a yellow hoodie and regular jeans.  He also wore his glasses.

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(A/n: I sorta have writers block and it sucks ;( cuz I wanna make more chapters (hopefully until 30)  yet I wanna make each chapter long....😔✊)

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now