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Hyunjin ran all the way back to the apartment, he held back the many tears he wanted to shed.

He managed to reach the outside of the apartment. He saw 2 familiar faces.

Hyejin and jeongin.

They were sitting on a bench together. Hyejin was still crying. He didn't dare to walk up to them. He knew it would only lead to a fight.

Instead, he stood near the building, close enough to hear them talking.

Hyejin: is this world against me?
Jeongin: no it's not
Hyejin: it is....
Jeongin: why do you always say that?
Hyejin: don't you remember?... My mother kicked us out, the woman who treated me like her own daughter is long dead, hyunjin left me for Nancy... I have no money...
Jeongin: well, I have you, and you have me
Hyejin: thanks jeongin...
Jeongin: your my girlfriend and I love you, you know?
Hyejin: yea.... But sometimes I feel, writing is my only piece of happiness left...
Jeongin: then I'll be your other piece of happiness.

Jeongin leaned in and kissed hyejin. Hyejin responded to it and wrapped her hands around jeongin.

Hyunjin stood in the corner. He was ready to cry. Guilty, he walked away. He walked to the nearby park. He sat on the bench. His tears, falling from his eyes.

"I'm a bad brother. I broke our promise. Jeongin is better than me. He deserves to be with hyejin. He can take better care of her. Why didn't I listen to hyejin. She was right about Nancy. I was an idiot"

Hyunjin started hitting his hand on his head, slapping his head. "Stupid! Stupid! " He kept repeating to himself. The memories flooded back to him. It was of him and hyejin. He remembered all her warnings which all came through. The boys protected her for a reason.

Hyunjin stood up from the bench and looked into the pond. He could see koi fish swimming gracefully in the pond. It brought him peace.

But he couldn't erase the fact that he was blinded and hurt his own sister.


Hwang_hyunjin the Koi fish symbolize good luck, abundance and perseverance

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Hwang_hyunjin the Koi fish symbolize good luck, abundance and perseverance. Symbolic in Buddhism is to represent courage. I need the courage in me to apologize to someone in my heart....

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Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now