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The next day

They reached school early as usu6.  They went to the classroom where the others were waiting.

Woojin: you guys are finally here
Hyejin: yea we are.
Chan: since it's still early,  let's have a walk around school,  we never fully explored it
Minho: what is there to explore?  It's just a boring school.
Felix: we can yeet around the school
Seungmin: no one tell him the latest trends anymore.
Felix: I will find out either way because I am am inteLEEctual

Seungmin covered Felix's mouth in annoyance causing everyone to laugh. 

Chan: let's just explore the school,  who knows what we could find.
Jisung: yea,  let's go.

The 10 of them walked around the school together. 

Soon,  they walked around the whole school compound. 

Chan: let's go back,  school is gonna start soon. 
Woojin: agree.  We wouldn't want to get in trouble.
Changbin: let's go.
Hyejin: you guys go,  I have some stuff to do in my locker.
Hyunjin: I'm following you
Jeongin: me too
Minho: wow protective much?
Jeongin: hyung,  you know what has happened to us.  I don't want anything else to happen
Minho: ok,  chill.

Hyejin walked to her locker while jeongin and hyunjin followed behind.

??? : looks who's here

They looked behind.

"Speak of the devil" Jeongin mumbled under his breath. 

"What the hell do you what Nancy" Hyejin rolled her eyes as she stood in front of hyunjin,  protecting him. 

Nancy: I just came to say hi to a little someone.

She looked behind hyejin and and smirked.

Hyejin: don't you touch hyunjin again you bitch.
??? : what the hell did you say?
Nancy: don't worry,  soobin.

Hyunjin remembered that man behind Nancy. It was her boyfriend.  Unfortunately,  he was much taller than him and hyejin.  Even hyejin who was a shocking 173 cm couldn't beat this man's height.  Hyunjin who was 179cm,  probably couldn't even look at this man face to face.  He felt this man was around 185cm tall. 

'How is this man still a student in this school?  He could easily be a college student ' hyunjin thought. 

Hyejin took a step back. 

Nancy was about to hit hyejin.

"Yah!  Nancy! "

Everyone turned around and saw yumi.

Nancy: dammit yumi,  what do you want?
Yumi: don't hurt them..
Nancy: what?
Yumi: don't... Hurt them
Nancy: I thought that's what you wanted to do
Yumi: not anymore
Nancy: well,  that's just you,  I want to see them in pain,  it's funny. Dont tell me your in their side now.

Nancy rolled her eyes. 

Yumi: maybe I am...
Nancy: how pathetic,  looks like your new mom isn't treating you well....

Nancy grabbed yumi's hand forcefully,  making yumi yelp in pain.
Nancy rolled up her sleeve.

Hyejin , jeongin and hyunjin managed to see the many bruises on yumi's hand.  They gasped. 

Nancy smiled as she presses on yumi's hand.  Yumi yelped in pain as she tried to pull away.

"Yah!  That's enough! " Hyejin pushed Nancy away from yumi.

Nancy's boyfriend ran to stop Nancy from falling down.  Nancy rubbed her head as she stood up. 

"Are you ok? " Hyejin asked as she held on yumi's hand.  "Yea... I am " Yumi rubbed her bruised hand.  "What happened to you? " Hyejin stared at yumi's bruises.  Yumi rolled down her sleeve.  "Long story... "

Hyejin was turned around forcefully and slapped in the face by Nancy.  Hyejin held her hand on her face. 

Hyunjin: yah!  We are here yet you still dare to hurt my sister!
Nancy: what are you gonna do about it. Huh? 
Jeongin: yah!  Why are you so mean?

Jeongin walked up to Nancy.  He was smaller than her boyfriend,  but his emotionless face managed to fear her boyfriend a bit.  Jeongin walked closer and closer to Nancy,  he pushed Nancy's boyfriend roughly causing him to fall to the ground. 

Jeongin: when will you learn to stop hurting all of my friends?
Nancy: well,  it's fun,  seeing people all hurt and weak. 
Jeongin: you know what else is fun?  Seeing people like you gtg hurt even more. 

Jeongin grabbed Nancy's shoulders as she pushed Nancy to the ground with her boyfriend. 

Jeongin: never underestimate me. 

Jeongin pulled out a recorder out from behind his back.  He waved it in the air and smiled. 

Jeongin: what a shame that I will be handing this to the principal.  Looks like you aren't the perfect student anymore.  I recorded the WHOLE thing. 

Jeongin smirked. 

Nancy lay defenseless on the floor.  Staring at jeongin in shock.

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now