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Nancy laid on her knees as she begged jeongin not to show the tape to the principal.

Nancy: please don't show that to the principal,  I will get into big trouble.
Jeongin: well tough shit I'm giving it to him anyways. 
Nancy: pleaseee jeongin. 
Jeongin: that is what you get for hurting my friends. 

Jeongin walked away leaving Nancy in tears as her boyfriend comforted her. 

Jeongin walked back to hyunjin and hyejin. 

Jeongin: you guys alright?
Hyunjin: yea. I'm fine
Jeongin: what about you hyejin.
Hyejin: yea,  I'm fine. 
Jeongin: are you sure?

Jeongin put his hand on hyejin's cheeks and rubbed it slowly.  Hyejin hissed in pain.  "You aren't alright... " Jeongin helped hyejin get up. 

Jeongin looked over at hyunjin who was helping yumi.  He sighed.  He walked over to yumi and knelt down.  He took a deep breath.  "Are you ok? " He asked.  "Yea... I'm ok" Yumi replied.  "Clearly you're lying,  your hand is full of bruises" Hyunjin interfered. 

Yumi: I'm really fine,  I'm used to this pain
Hyunjin: what do you mean used to
Yumi: this happened many times already.
Hyunjin: what happened?
Yumi: long story ok?
Hyejin: I remember your story. 

Yumi looked up and hyejin. 

Hyejin: your mom is bad isn't it?

Yumi nodded slightly.

Hyejin: it's ok,  we understand your pain.

Hyejin looked at hyunjin.

Hyunjin: we were abandoned by our mom when we were barely in kindergarten.  We had to learn to survive in this big world by ourselves.  Thankfully,  someone found us and took care of us. 

Yumi looked down.  She felt guilty.  She started sobbing. 

Yumi: you guys are so nice to me... Even when I was an evil person to you guys.... I'm sorry.... Very very sorry....
Hyunjin: it's.... Ok....
Yumi: you forgive me?
Hyunjin: everyone deserves a second chance. 

Hyunjin looked at hyejin.  She knew what he meant. 

Hyunjin held out his hand.  Yumi looked at him.  She grabbed his hand and stood up. 

Hyunjin: I think you need to go to the nurse's office.  I'll bring you there. 
Yumi: t -thanks.
Jeongin: as for me,  I have a little something to hand to Mr Kim. 

Jeongin waved the recorder in his hand. 

Hyunjin: you guys go to class,  I'll bring yumi to the nurse's office.
Hyejin: I'll follow jeongin. 
Hyunjin: let's go before class starts.

Hyunjin helped yumi get to the nurse's office while hyejin and jeongin went to the principal office.


Jeongin knocked on the principal's door. 

Jeongin: Mr kim, I have something to give you.

Mr Kim looked at jeongin.  Jeongin gave him the recorder. 

Mr Kim: what's this?
Jeongin: listen to it,  a student,  Nancy was being the biggest bully in school and here is the evidence.  She hurt hyejin. 

Jeongin pointed to hyejin's cheek which was still red from the slap.

Mr Kim: I'll take a look at this along with the other discipline teachers.  Thank you for reporting Mr yang. 

Jeongin and hyejin bowed as they exited the office.


Hyunjin brought yumi to the nurse's office.  He knocked on the door and opened it. He looked inside.

Hyunjin: looks like no one is here.  Sit down,  I'll help you with your bruises.

Yumi sat down. 

Hyunjin washed his hands in the little sink as he took some medicine. 

Hyunjin: this may hurt a little. 

Hyunjin put some ointment on a cotton and pressed it on yumi's bruises.  She winced in pain. 

Hyunjin: almost done. 

Hyunjin wrapped some gauze over her bruised arm.

Hyunjin: here,  this might help it to heal faster.
Yumi: t-thank you..
Hyunjin: let's go back to class.

Hyunjin walked out the room.  Yumi stopped him.

Yumi: by the way hyunjin,  I'm sorry for hurting your feelings..... I made Nancy date you...

Hyunjin paused for a moment. 

Hyunjin: you?  You made her date me?
Yumi: y-yes....

He sighed. 

Hyunjin: it's... Ok... Like I said,  everyone deserves a second chance. 


Later on in the day,  Nancy was found guilty of bullying many other students and was expelled from the school.  Yumi also confessed that she had bullied others too.  She was to be suspended for a week. 

Jeongin and hyejin lived normally as a couple.

As for hyunjin,  he visited his mother's grave every weekend.  He bring along with him the note and her necklace.  Although he has not seen his mother again like when he had his out of body experience but he felt her presence.  That made him feel calm.

He remembered her words.

Blood is thicker than water.

Welp,  the story has officially ended.  I'm sorry if the ending wasn't great.  I find endings very hard to think of and write cuz it always seems so cliche. 

Anyways,  thank you for reading and voting on my story. 

I am not sure when I will write again.  But I will be reading a lot of ffs to gain inspiration for another one. 😂 please support my friend YoungjaesMiracleShe is currently writing a book filled with skz imagines.  Her updates may be slow but she has already published 1 part which is already quite long.

For updates on stories and random skz content,  follow my Instagram@straymilkeu

Till next time


Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now