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Hyejin: what do you want yumi. ....
Yumi: I'm sure you already know,  yet you don't listen.
Hyejin: look,  if you really like jeongin so much,  then why don't you change into a better person.
Yumi: I am already better than all of you. 
Hyejin: in what way huh
Yumi: I'm richer,  I'm prettier,  and I have more friends than you
Hyejin: this is exactly why they don't like you
Yumi: you're such a slut for having 9 boys at your fingertips
Hyejin: says the person who slept with half of the boys in school.
Yumi: you bitch.

Yumi took a handful of sand and threw it at hyejin.

Hyejin: yah!
Yumi: Nancy!

Nancy came over to yumi.

Yumi: show this bitch a lesson.

Nancy nodded and threw a handful of sand at hyejin and poured sea water on here.

Nancy: look!  It's a monster!
Yumi: how pathetic.

Nancy and yumi pushed hyejin to the ground at kicked her.


Jeongin: hyung,  I'm gonna go grab some water
Seungmin: drink the sea water
Jeongin: your crazy hyung.
Felix: I'll go with you,  I'm thirsty too.
Minho: I wanna check on hyejin.

The 3 of them walked back to shore and saw yumi and Nancy kick hyejin on the sandy floor.

Jeongin: YAH! 

the 2 girls turned around and tried to act all innocent.  But hyejin got all her strength to get up and push Nancy to the floor.

Hyunjin: hey what's going on.?

Nancy fake cried.  "Oppa... "

Hyunjin: what happened?
Nancy: hyejin pushed my and I hurt my wrist.
Hyunjin: hyejin?

He looked at hyejin who was covered in sand

Hyejin: oppa,  it wasn't me!
Hyunjin: why did you do it?
Hyejin: look at me!  They did this to me first!
Hyunjin: they were probably just pranking you...
Hyejin: they pushed my to the ground and kicked me!
Hyunjin: stop!  Stop taking it for attention hyejin!  I know I'm your brother but you still need to make friends too! You can't just accuse my girlfriend!
Jeongin: hyung I saw everything!  Hyejin is innocent
Hyunjin: oh not you too jeongin...
Felix: I saw it too!
Minho: so did I.
Hyunjin: all of you?  Are you all trying to go against me?
Jeongin : hyung!  Do you seriously choose your girlfriend over your own sister?
Hyunjin: I finally made a new friend who is now my girlfriend,  why can't you be happy for me?!
Felix: we would be if it wasn't Nancy!  She and yumi are evil.  Like the devil!
Hyunjin: you know what,  we're leaving. 

"And you, " Hyunjin turned to yumi.  "Don't talk to my girlfriend again and Don't touch any of my friends! "

Yumi: but-

Hyunjin stormed off with Nancy.

Yumi: I told you you would get hurt if you don't stay away from jeongin oppa.


Jeongin pushed yumi as he grabbed hyejin to clean up.  But hyejin didn't want to move.

Hyejin walked to the sea and stared at the water.  She walked into the water. 

Minho: hyejin! 

Seungmin: what's going on?!

Minho pointed at hyejin who was not moving in the water.

Chan heard everything and went to get hyejin out of the water.  But she struggled,  not wanting to leave the water.  Chan was stronger and pulled her out of the water where she began to cry.

"why wouldn't you let me die.... " She said tears starting to roll down her cheeks.  "The whole world is against me and I just wanna leave it now! "

She burst into tears.

Minho: what do you mean.?...

Hyejin: my parents abandoned us,  we have no money,  we live in a small cramped apartment,  I can't make any friends... It was hyunjin who introduced me to you guys,  if not I would still be a loner.  And now.... My own brother... Abandoned me for his girlfriend.  Kill me now!  It will be easier!

Hyejin ran back to the sea again but all of the boys stopped her.

Hyejin: let go!  I wanna die now!
Felix: we are not gonna let you kill yourself.
Hyejin: but I want to!  I want to leave this world!  Forget about my existence!
Chan: we will not loose you hyejin!
Minho: we are going home now!

Hyejin dropped to the floor as she let her tears come out from her eyes.

Hyejin: why...... The world is so cruel...

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now