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Hyunjin could see behind her mask.

Without words coming out from her mouth,  nor a sad expression,  hyunjin could tell hyejin was about to break down.  He wanted to go and hug hyejin,  but since trust was broken between him and the boys,  jeongin blocked him. 

Hyejin started laughing.  Not happily,  not sadly,  but as if she was released from an asylum.  She bent down,  still laughing.  Her face was in her hands,  her laugh was stopped by the sounds of her sobbing.  She looked up,  her face was wet from tears. 

Hyejin: hwang hyunjin,  my own brother who left me for his girlfriend,  you really came back here?  I'm sure you will run back to Nancy later right. 

Hyunjin couldn't speak. 

Hyejin: I was right.  Please go. 
Hyunjin: b-but....
Hyejin: I don't wanna listen anymore.  Please leave.  You can live with Nancy now for all I care.  But don't come back crying when you realize she is actually the devil who hurt me and WILL hurt you too. 

Hyejin pushed hyunjin out of the house.  She slammed the door and locked it.  She laid against the door and began to cry. 

Chan walked up to her and rubbed her back,  comforting her. 

Chan: it's ok hyejin...
Hyejin: no it's not....
Seungmin: hyunjin is gone,  probably running back to Nancy
Hyejin: that's the problem.... I know very well,  Nancy will hurt him,  not physically but mentally.  I know hyunjin betrayed me but he is still my brother.
Woojin: although trust is broken between us but hyejin is right,  he is still her brother...
Jeongin: what can we even do now hyung?  Who knows where hyunjin is.
Changbin: woah jeongin calm down,  what's up with you?
Jeongin: clearly hyunjin.  I won't call him hyung ever again.  He doesn't deserve my respect. 

Jeongin crossed his arms. 

Minho scoffed.

Minho: are you gonna forget all the things hyunjin helped you with?  He trusted you with hyejin.  He would kill any other boy that confesses to hyejin.
Jeongin: still!  He betrayed her.  That breaks all our friendship...
Minho: but still...
Jeongin: aish whatever...

Jeongin didn't feel like forgiving hyunjin.  He loved hyejin so much and couldn't accept and forget everything that hyunjin did.  He sat on the bed and pouted. 

Memories of hyunjin and him flooded back. 

'Should I really forgive and help him? ' he thought. 

He sat there in thought as the others continued comforting hyejin. 

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now