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Yumi froze in her spot for a moment. 

Yumi: i-i
Hyejin: save it.  You have already ruined enough of my life. 

With that,  hyejin slammed the restroom door shut,  leaving yumi standing there.  Her heart was filled with many emotions.

Hyejin: let's go.
Minho: wait what
Hyejin: I said let's go! 
Minho: woah woah woah what happened? 
Hyejin: I will tell you guys when I get home.  Please take me home now....
Minho: ok ok

Minho took out his keys and they left the restaurant.

"Hyejin!  Wait! " Yumi yelled

Hyejin turned around but didn't respond.  She continued walking out.  Yumi grabbed onto her wrists but hyejin pushed her away.  Jeongin,  who was holding hyejin protective layer gave yumi a death stare as they left the restaurant.

Yumi layed on the floor,  clueless of what to do next.


Minho drove back home.  There was total silence in the car.  Hyejin sat between Felix and jeongin,  her face red with anger.  Nobody dared to speak a word,  fearing hyejin might snap off their necks if they did.

They got home and hyejin stormed into the building and unlocked the door to her house.

The others were still behind. They whispered to each other.  Discussing why she was mad. 

Hyejin went to the small dressing table.  She took out a box from under it. 

It was pastel pink and was dusty.  She opened it up.

"Mom..... Im sorry that I broke the promise to always be on hyunjin's side.  But how could hyunjin do this to me? " A tear slipped from her eye.  She cried as she held the small picture of the old woman who took care of her and hyunjin.  She looked at the necklace that belonged to her.  She remembered how mom used to pray with the necklace at night.  Hyejin remembered how she prayed for their health and hoped that fortune would come.  She smiled weakly at the memory. 

The old woman,  was her true mother.


Jeongin saw everything.  He could hear her mumbles words about how she missed her mom.  He was wondering why she would miss the woman that made her homeless.  But he saw the picture that hyejin held ever so tightly in her chest.  It was an old woman.  This wasn't her mother. 

Jeongin wanted to comfort her so badly but he didn't want to ruin hyejin's moment.

"Why are you standing at the door? " Felix walked up to jeongin.  Jeongin signalled him to hush.  He pointed at the crying hyejin.  Felix was about to go in and comfort her bt Jeongin stopped him.  "Let her have her moment" Jeongin said.  Soon, the others came.  Felix told them about what was going on.  They all nodded and waited until hyejin felt better. 


Hyejin could feel someone looking at her.  She turned her head and saw the 8 boys staring at her crying figure.  She wiped away her tears and kept the necklace and the picture back in the pink box and hid it back under the dresser. 

Hyejin: how... Long have you been staring?
Jeongin: long enough to know that you are broken inside.

Jeongin walked into the house and hugged hyejin tightly. 

Jeongin: I'm sorry....

His voice was rough.  His busan satoori jumping out. 

Hyejin: jeongin... Why are you sorry to me?

Hyejin could feel jeongin's tears on her shirt.

Jeongin: i-i should have known... I should've known that you have been broken the whole time. I wish I had known that was why you clung onto hyunjin so much,  why you never wanted anyone to go to your house.  I'm sorry.
Hyejin: jeongin... This isn't your fault at all...
Jeongin: but it is my fault for not seeing behind your mask. 
Hyejin: I have this mask on for a reason,  I don't want anyone to pity me...
Jeongin: you are my girlfriend,  I don't want you to hide your feelings from me.  I will be here for you...
Hyejin: I guess... I can tell all of you now... I trust you guys enough.....

Hyejin still couldn't speak properly.

Hyejin: go get cleaned,  I have some things to get off my chest...

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now