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It was a Saturday.  The 2 siblings got ready for their 9 to 3 shift at the cafe.  The 2 got dressed and walked to the cafe together.

When they arrived,  they greeted the boss and wore their aprons.  Hyejin worked at the cashier while hyunjin made the coffee.  Just like the day before,  hyejin saw a familiar face.  It was jeongin.

Jeongin: hey hyejin
Hyejin: hi
Jeongin: I would like one chocolate drink please
Hyejin: coming right up.  That would be 10,000won.

Jeongin paid for his drink and took a seat as he waited for his drink. 

Hyejin: one chocolate milk for jeongin!

Jeongin got up and took his drink.  "Thanks " He said with a big smile plastered on his face.  Jeongin sat back down and drank his chocolate drink as he watched hyejin greet the customers and gave them their drink.  He admired how she polite she was even to rude customers.

'How perfect can she be' he thought to himself.

The cafe door opened. 

??? : hyejin!

It was a male voice.

The braced boy snapped out of his thoughts as he looked up to see who called hyejin's name.  He saw boy greet hyejin and hug her.

Hyejin: Kyungsoo!  Long time no see
Kyungsoo: yea.  How are you?
Hyejin: I'm fine thank you and you
Kyungsoo: I'm fine too.
Hyejin: so what would you like to order?
Kyungsoo: a mocha would be nice
Hyejin: ok,  that would be 11,000won.

The boy paid for his drink and sat on a table across from jeongin.

'Who is that boy who was talking to hyejin?? ' he asked himself. 

Jeongin continued sipping his drink as he observed the relationship between hyejin and the boy.

'Maybe their friends? '

'Cousins? '

The braced boy began worrying that his chance with hyejin would be ruined by the boy. 

Jeongin stayed at the cafe until hyejin's shift was over.  So did kyungsoo.  Jeongin had an urge to stalk the boy but he didn't want to spend his life in prison.

Hyejin and kyungsoo said their goodbyes as she took her bags and walked out the cafe with hyunjin.

' maybe I should text her when she gets home... ' jeongin thought.

Jeongin walked out the cafe the same time as hyejin and walked home.  Coincidentally,  the path to his house was the same as hyejin as he had been following them for about 5 minutes.  He saw how affectionate the younger was towards the older.  Hyejin kept cuddling hyunjin's hands as they walked.  Jeongin nearly screamed when he saw hyunjin peck hyejin's forehead. He followed them until they reached an apartment.  He realized that hyejin only lived a few minutes away from him.

' their house must be super nice ' he thought.  When he saw the 2 siblings go into the apartment he just continued his journey back home.


Jeongin went to his room and plopped on his silky sheet bed.  He took out his phone and texted hyejin.


Hey hyejin

He felt glad that he received an instant reply.

I saw you with a guy today.
Oh you mean kyungsoo?
Yea,  I think that's his name.
Oh he's actually my ex.....

The braced boy's heart sank. 

'So if I asked her out... I wouldn't be her first... '

Why did you guys break up?
Oh well.... After he realized how I was always writing,  he said I was boring and left me...  :(
Oh... Sorry for asking...
It's ok,  I enjoy talking to you.  You're cute ^^
Thanks -///-
^^ see you at school on monday :))
See you love💕
-message unsent-
See you! ^_^

Jeongin closed his phone as he drifted into sleep.  He imagined what it would be like to peck hyejin like what hyunjin did. 

He smiled at the thought.

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now