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Minho managed to get hyejin to get up and wash herself before getting into the car.  The boys comforted her as Minho drove back to Seoul. 

Chan: are you ok hyejin?
Hyejin: broken...
Jisung: cheer up,  we will bring you to the amusement park since hyunjin and Nancy are still in busan
Hyejin: if I see them at the amusement park I think I will die
Jisung: you won't die hyejin
Hyejin: I will,  mentally.
Jeongin: wanna go to lotte world?
Hyejin: sure...
Jeongin: come on,  smile

Hyejin gave him a faint smile.

Jeongin: come on,  give a proper smile.

Hyejin smiled widely and it pleased jeongin.  But he was still sad,  knowing she forced the smile.  So,  jeongin kissed her on the lips.  Although risky because he would probably get scolded by his hyungs but he didn't care.  He just wanted to make hyejin happy. 

The hyungs didn't stop the kiss thought.  They just cheered on. 

Felix: so.... You guys a thing now?
Jeongin: yes.

Jeongin: hyejin,  will you be my girlfriend?
Hyejin: of course!

Jeongin hugged her as she finally gave a true smile. 

Felix: finally.


They all got home and took a nice shower.

Minho: wear something casual,  we're going to the amusement park!
Jeongin: yay!!!

Hyejin smiled at jeongin's cuteness.

Once everyone cleaned up,  they went out once again.  This time,  to the amusement park.

Minho: I hope this would be better than the beach
Hyejin: I hope too..
Chan: well since hyunjin is in busan,  we shouldn't meet him there
Hyejin: I really don't wanna see him and Nancy..... Why was yumi there though....
Seungmin: probably cuz of Nancy
Felix: I hate her... Why does she have so much power?
Chan: her dad gives the school money for the education.  Her family is rich.
Seungmin: she is a spoiled brat
Chan: ok calm down...
Seungmin: why does she keep calling us oPpA???  It's gross!
Felix: calm down child.

Seungmin frowned like a Dinosaur.

Jisung: calm down,  we're almost here...
Seungmin: I swear,  if I found yumi here I will personally kill her
Felix: calm down dinosaur.  I'll get you a day6 album if you calm down
Seungmin: ok....
Felix: day6 saves the day

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now