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Hyejin dropped her phone and fell to the ground. The others immediately stopped eating and went to hyejin who was tearing up.

Chan: hyejin what's wrong??
Hyejin: h-hyunjin....
Woojin: what about hyunjin?
Hyejin: h-he...
Chan: hyejin!
Hyejin: he got into an accident.

??? : hello? Ms hwang?

Hyejin picked up the phone.

Hyejin: w-which hospital is he in??
??? : he is in Seoul hospital
Hyejin: I'm coming now!

Hyejin hung up.

Hyejin: we need to go to Seoul hospital now! Hyunjin got into an accident!
Minho: what?!
Hyejin: less talk, Minho drive us to the hospital! Please!
Minho: ok OK, grab your stuff, we're leaving.

Everyone took their phones and put on a jacket. Then they got out the door.

Minho started the car. Hyejin sat between jeongin and woojin. Hyejin fiddled with her phone. She tried her best not to cry because she had been crying too much already. But she couldn't help it. She closed her eyes and a tear rolled down her cheek.


Hyunjin: Eomma!
Mom: hyunjin ah, hyejin ah....
Hyunjin: eomma are you ok?!
Mom: I won't be here any longer...
Hyejin: eomma please don't leave us! We need you!
Mom: I'm sorry hyejin, hyunjin but my time is up in this world. I'm already old
Hyejin: no! Eomma!
Hyunjin: please don't go!
Mom: I'm sorry but i have to... But promise me one thing, both of you will take care of each other no matter what. You both must stick together through thick and thin
Hyunjin: w-we promise eomma.... I will take good care of hyejin.
Mom: good...
Hyejin: yes eomma, I will stick with hyunjin too
Mom: I've raised both of you well. Don't break your promise.

Mom held out her hand. It was shaking. She held out her pinky finger. "Promise me"

Hyejin and hyunjin held out their pinky finger and wrapped it around their mother's pinky.

"We promise".

The old woman's eyes closed with a smile on her face.

Hyunjin and hyejin began crying as they put their heads on her stomach.


" Hyunjin you fool" Hyejin muttered to herself as she continued fiddling with her phone.

Hyejin: are we there yet?
Minho: a few more minutes

Hyejin sighed.

After a few minutes, they reached the hospital. Hyejin ran out the car and ran to the reception.

Hyejin: hi I'm Hwang hyejin, I'm Hwang hyunjin's sister.
Nurse: ah, ms Hwang. Your brother is in ward 145, 1st floor.
Hyejin: ok, thank you.

Hyejin bowed to the nurse and went to the lift. The others were left behind.

Jeongin: how are we gonna find her?
Minho: there is a thing called a reception
Jeongin: oh.


Hyejin reached the 1st the first floor.

"142, 143,144,145"

Hyejin walked into ward 145.

"Knock knock, hyunjin"

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now