48 (BONUS)

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Hyejin was cleaning the apartment,  hyunjin helped as well.  She reached the large old drawer.  She reached underneath and grabbed the box.  It was dusty.

Hyunjin: looks like you found the box again.

He giggled. 

Hyejin: heh.... Haven't taken this out in a long time...

Hyejin wiped the dust away and opened the box. 

A picture fell out.

Hyejin: eh? 

Hyejin picked up the photo.  It was old a folded a bit.

Hyejin: I've never seen this before. 
Hyunjin: oh ,  you found it
Hyejin: what?
Hyunjin: I found this picture as well as a note hidden somewhere in the box
Hyejin: how and when did you find it?
Hyunjin: well,  I found it after I got released from the hospital.  I have something to tell you.
Hyejin: what is it?
Hyunjin: I saw mom....  A few times already
Hyejin: hyunjin,  are you playing around with me?
Hyunjin: no no.  I'm serious

Hyejin stared at the picture. A weak smile appeared on her face as well as a tear drop.

Hyunjin went up to the younger and hugged her.

Hyunjin: you ok?

He put his face close to the younger.  The face were inches away. 

Hyejin wiped a tear. 

Hyejin: I remember all our memories with mom.... She was really amazing.
Hyunjin: well,  I can let you see her again...

Hyejin looked up and faced the older.

Hyejin: how?

Hyunjin smiled and looked at the necklace in the box.

Hyunjin: wear this necklace and go to eomma's grave alone.  You'll see.

Hyunjin smiled a reassuring smile and patted the youngers back.

Hyejin: o-ok.


Hyejin couldn't sleep.  She stared at the ceiling.  Darkness engulfed the whole room.  She looked to the side.  Hyunjin was sleeping peacefully next to her.  His words replayed in her mind. 

She got out of bed and crawled over to the drawer.  She stuck her hand underneath and took out the box.  She opened it and took out the necklace.  She put the box carefully back in its place.  She stood up and walked to the door.  She looked back at the sleeping hyunjin. 

"I hope you aren't lying"

OoOoOo bonus parts ;)))

May or may not be creating a few more.  Who knows,  I could probably create 10 bonus parts ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ I will definitely add a bonus part if I get a new idea.  Few more bonus parts to be coming soon. So look forward to that ;)


Thank you so much for 1K reads!  I'm honestly shook. 

I hope this book could get more reads and votes ^^

Also,  I have another book called Mirror|Kim Woojin.  Make sure to read that book too ^^

Love y'all <3

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now