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21st April 1999

A lady, drunk in a club began swinging and dancing against a stripper pole and shouted many weird words.  Her breath stunk of alcohol and cigarettes. 

A man,  watching her as her hourglass body was moving against the pole.  He liked what he saw. 

He walked up to her. 

Man: hey babe,  you look nice tonight
Lady: hiiiii~ you look hot tooooo

The lady didn't have balance and fell over the guy.  She was on top of him. 

The man smirked.

Man: I know a nice bed we can sleep on together.
Lady: sureeeeee

The lady smiled like a lunatic. 

The man grabbed her arm and made her stand up. 

Man: let's go

He grabbed her arm as she wobbled to a door behind the club.

There was a guy standing by the door. 

Man: name is Mr Hwang,  friend and business partner of Mr park.
Guy: ah,  Mr Hwang, nice to meet you here.  Who is this lady?
Mr Hwang: oh,  my girlfriend
Lady: hiiiiii~
Guy: woah,  she sure is drunk
Mr Hwang: don't mind her,  I will take care of her.  I'll give you 100,000 won for me to stay the night here with my girlfriend.
Guy: 100,000 won?
Mr Hwang: yes
Guy: here's the keys,  I'll take them back tomorrow night.

The guy tossed a set of keys to Mr Hwang.

Guy : have a nice time Mr Hwang!
Mr Hwang: of course I will.

The guy left and Mr Hwang opened the  door behind the club.

Behind the door was a dark room with a large bed.  There were large closets around the room.  Each closet had a label.

Mr Hwang: perfect atmosphere
Lady: wowww~ this prace is bootifulll~
Mr Hwang: just like you~
Lady: awww hoy sweet of Chu
Mr Hwang: we're gonna have fun tonight
Lady: whata we pwaying? Hideu an seek?
Mr Hwang: oh no,  something even more fun.

Mr Hwang smirked and the lady's vision went black.

15th May 1999

Doctor: congratulations miss Jeon,  you're pregnant!
Miss Jeon: p-pregnant?
Doctor: yes,  you have a healthy baby in your stomach,  slowing growing into a fetus.
Miss Jeon: t-thats impossible I have never slept with anyone before!
Doctor: are you sure? 
Miss Jeon: y-ye----

Miss Jeon stopped talking.  She remembered.

That drunk night.  She was drunk.  She met a man.  The man brought her to a room.  Her legs were in pain the  next day.

Miss Jeon: i-i....
Doctor: miss Jeon,  are you ok?

Miss Jeon threw a glass vase that was right next to the doctors table.  She threw the vase against the window.

Doctor: miss Jeon!  Calm down!
Miss Jeon: no!!!

Miss Jeon started crying as she began tearing the wallpaper in the room.

"I can't be pregnant! " She repeated many times as she tore the wallpaper.

The doctor took out her walkie talkie. 

Doctor: security!  Room 10!  We have a crazy patient!

As quick as lightning,  the security had arrived. 

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now