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"Who was that? " Hyunjin asked as he got out of the shower.

Nancy: oh... Just my.... Cousin
Hyunjin: oh ok.  Did I received any messages on my phone?
Nancy: nope.
Hyunjin: oh ok.

Hyunjin felt a little disappointed.  'Did hyejin take the brother title away from me? ' he thought as he sighed.  'I'm such a jerk.... ' hyunjin thought again as he changed into proper clothes.  He felt like all his friends abandoned him.  Yet he remembered what he did to his own sister.  Of course,  the others would protect her. He wanted to shrug off the thought but it kept popping up into his mind. 

It was getting late.  'Might as well sleep I guess ' he got into the bed and fell asleep. 

'Hyejin hates you're

'You abandoned your own sister's

'You are a horrible brother'

'You broke your promise'

Hyunjin woke up in cold sweat.  He looked around.  The room was dark,  Nancy was sleeping beside him.  The clock glowed in the dark room.  The moon light shunt through the window .  Hyunjin couldn't sleep anymore.  Guilt was lingering in his heart.  He took his phone and sat on the little couch by the window.  He looked out and into the sky.  The sky was dark.  Little stars filled the dark sky.  He didn't want Nancy to wake up so he put his phone brightness down. 

He scrolled through his contacts to find hyejin.

Hyejin ❤

I'm sorry...
I'm sorry I broke our promise...
I'm serious this time...
I feel guilty for choosing my girlfriend over my own sister. 
Will you forgive me?
I'll come back when the holiday is over.
Please answer me in the morning.
I know it's late now....
But please do answer me hyejin....


*ding* *ding* *ding*

'What is that noise' jeongin woke up from his sleep.  His arms were wrapped around hyejin.  But he couldn't sleep anymore because of the annoying sound of notifications.  He took hyejin's phone. 
'Who is texting hyejin this late at night? ' he opened the phone.

-you have received messages from hyunjin-

'Hyun Jin? '

Jeongin knew it was wrong but he didn't want hyunjin to hurt hyejin anymore,  so,  he looked at the messages hyunjin sent.

I'm sorry...
I'm sorry I broke our promise...
I'm serious this time...
I feel guilty for choosing my girlfriend over my own sister. 
Will you forgive me?
I'll come back when the holiday is over.
Please answer me in the morning.
I know it's late now....
But please do answer me hyejin....

Jeongin scoffed.

' when will this hyunjin ever learn... ' he sighed.  'If he really loves her,  he would come home tomorrow'

I'm sorry hyunjin, but if you truly
Cared about your own sister,
You would come home now....



Hyunjin received a message on his phone.

Hyunjin: it's hyejin!

He opened the message hoping to see a message from hyejin saying she forgives him.  But what he got instead was the total opposite.

Then I'll come home tomorrow!
Really.... You only did that when I asked you to. If not,  you wouldn't have thought about this....
Hyejin I'm sorry!
(Last seen,  1:00am)


Jeongin turned off hyejin's phone and put it back to where it was.  He wrapped his hands around hyejin's waist.  'I won't let him hurt you again' he muttered under his breath as he snuggled against hyejin who was still sleeping peacefully.  He gave her a soft peck.

' I will protect you' he whispred and he fell asleep again.


' did she just leave me on blue tick? ' hyunjin pressed his phone against his chest.  'What do I do to make it up to her?  Well... Holidays are over soon,  I will apologize then' hyunjin continued rereading the messages from hyejin.

'No,  I will find her tomorrow'

He turned off his phone and got back in bed.  He didn't sleep.

He just stared at the dark ceiling. 

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now