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"Knock knock hyunjin"

No reply. 

Hyejin walked into the room.

Hyunjin was lying on a hospital bed.  Eyes closed.

For some reason,  hyejin didn't feel sad nor happy.  In fact she didn't know what to feel.  There he was,  her brother,  lying unconscious on the bed.  But she remembered that he betrayed her. She knew that it was wrong to be mad at him even though he betrayed her.  But he was unconscious,  who knows what he was trying to do at that time.

Hyejin sat down on a chair that was next to his bed.  She stared at him for a while.  She could she that his skin become slightly more pale.  His skin felt cold. 

"Hyunjin,  what did you do,  why did this happen? "


Hyejin laid against the chair. 


He could6see anything.  Darkness engulfed his vision.  He couldn't see anything,  he couldn't move but he could hear his surroundings.

"Hyunjin, what did you do,  why did this happen? "

He could hear hyejin's voice. 

He wanted to speak,  tell her everything,  apologize.  But he couldn't get any words to come out from his mouth. 

He felt cold. 

Suddenly, he could see everything.  He tried to speak to hyejin,  but she didn't answer.  It was like she couldn't hear him.  He turned around,  he saw himself lying on the bed. 

"Is this what they call an out of body experience? "

The room door opened,  revealing the other boys.  They all rushed in.  Jeongin immediately went to hyejin.  He grabbed a chair and sat next to her.  He put his hand around her shoulder.  Hyejin had a lifeless look on her face as she continued staring at hyunjin's body.  The others sat down as well,  eyes tearing up seeing their friend in an unconscious state.  Hyunjin spoke,  but he remembered, 

No one could hear him. 

He looked back one more time at all the boys and his sister.  He sighed.  Then,  he exited the room.

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now