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Jeongin stared at his phone, slightly amused by the post he saw by his hyung.

"Did it really take him such a long time to realise? "

He turned off his phone and put into his pocket. The cold breeze blew at him. He looked into the pond.

There he was, on the very same bench the day he got his first kiss from hyejin. On this day, they were finally together. He smiled at the thought.

He looked over to hyejin who was sitting next to him on the bench. The wind blew at her hair as she was typing rapidly on her computer. Jeongin could tell hyejin had many ideas in her head for stories. He was amazed by how the girl could type so fast. 'Has she stored all her ideas in her brain or does she come up with them on the spot? ' he wondered.

Even after dating for quite some time, jeongin learnt something new about hyejin everyday. Even the things he already knew made his heart beat fast when he witnesses it.

After a long time of typing, hyejin stopped. She smiled at her computer. "Done! " She said, feeling proud of herself. "How much did you write? " Jeongin asked. "Hmm around 2 chapters. Each are at least 1000+words" Hyejin replied proudly.

Jeongin wowed at hyejin's words. How more amazed can he get by this girl.

He sighed as he continued enjoying the pond view. Sounds of koi fishing jumping in the pond filled his ears as well as the sounds of hyejin humming the tune of SHINee's Replay.

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The sound of koi fish splashing, the sound of @hwang_hyejin humming, how greater could this get?

Jeongin felt a little weight on his shoulder and he saw hyejin lying against his shoulder. Her laptop was shut and held in her arms. Hyejin's eyes closed as she enjoyed jeongin's warmth.

"Jagi, I love you" She said.

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now