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A few weeks later

A few weeks had gone by. So far,  everything went back to usual.  School had reopened and all of the boys and hyejin went back to normal as if nothing had happened.  They all continued having lunch together as well as the same classes.  Thankfully,  they didn't have to see yumi or Nancy. 

The boys moved out of hyejin's apartment including jeongin,  leaving hyunjin and hyejin to live alone together just like how it was before everything happened.

The weekend had finally arrived after a long stressful week filled with homework. 

Hyejin was typing on her computer.  Hyunjin was cleaning the house.  Suddenly,  hyejin received a message from jeongin.

Hey hyejin,  will you go on a date with me?
Sure.  When and what time?
How about today,  3pm
Sounds great
I'll pick you up at your apartment
Sure cya 💕
Baii~ <3 😘

Hyejin put down her phone and smiled. 

"Who's that" Hyunjin asked,  eyes still on the floor as he was cleaning.
"Oh,  it's jeongin.  He's bringing me out on a date at 3 today" Hyejin giggled for a bit.  Hyunjin laughed and stood to face her.  "Geez... You're growing up so fast... " He said pouting. "I'm 18, hyunjin" Hyejin rolled her eyes.  "Awww a big babyyy" Hyunjin was about to pinch her cheeks.  "Don't touch me,  your hands are dirty" "Oh.. Sorry.  I'll do it later"

It was 2.30, hyejin was getting ready.  She took a quick shower and she put on some simple yet comfy clothes. 

Hyunjin: wahhh so pretty
Hyejin: I know I'm fabulous
Hyunjin: your cheeks!  So squish!
Hyejin: fine,  you can pinch my cheeks now..

Hyunjin run up to hyejin a gave her cheeks a quick pinch. 

Hyunjin: I love you hyejinie~
Hyejin: I live you too hyunjin..
Hyunjin: when is jeongin coming...
Hyejin: he said he'll be here at 3
Hyunjin: he better come quick.

*ding dong*

Hyunjin: if that is jeongin, I would say my words are magic.

Hyunjin went to the door and opened it.

Jeongin: hi hyung
Hyunjin: my words are magic... Hi jeongin
Jeongin: is hyejin ready?
Hyunjin: yea she is.  Hyejin!  Jeongin is here!
Hyejin: coming~

Hyejin walked to the door and greeted jeongin.

Jeongin wowed at the beauty of hyejin.

Jeongin: hyejin,  you look amazing
Hyejin: eh,  nothing fancy
Jeongin: you still look great though
Hyejin: thanks
Hyunjin: alright fetuses,  have fun on your date~
Jeongin: uh ok,  thanks hyung
Hyejin: see you later hyunjin~
Hyunjin: bye~

Hyejin and jeongin left,  leaving hyunjin at home alone.

Hyunjin went to the drawer next to the little table. He stuck his hand under that table and grabbed the box underneath.  He looked at the box for a while.  A slight sense of happiness and sadness engulfed him.  He opened the box.  Inside,  was a picture of his mother as well as her necklace. 

He sighed. 

He remembered his encounter with his mother when he had his out of body experience. 

"Can you appear again eomma? " He said,  voice slightly cracking. 

Nothing happened.

He sighed again. 

"My hopes were too high"

He examined the box in his hand.  He flipped it,  turned it around.  Suddenly,  a note fell out.  The paper was neatly folded.  It seemed to have been purposely hidden somewhere in the box.  The paper was yellow,  showing signs that it had been hidden for a long time. 

He opened the paper.

Dear hyunjin or hyejin,

If your reading this,  I won't be in this world anymore.  I had hidden this paper in the box, but I'm not telling you where since you already found it.  This note is not meant to be read anytime but only when you really need it.  I know one of you would most likely shale this box when you are emotional.  That's why this paper is hidden.  It was a pleasure taking care of you even though I'm not your biological mother.  But there is a way you can contact me even after death.  It can be done alone or with each other.  Just put my necklace on top of my picture on a flat surface.  Light a few candles and I might appear.  I read about this,  a lot of people said it works. But you can't always do this. I don't know why.  But I hope I can see you two children again.  I love you. 

Remember: blood is tjicker than water.

Take care my children

Your mother.
Kim Young Soo

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now