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Hyejin woke up to the feeling of hot breath on her face.  She opened her eyes to see Minho in front of her.

Hyejin: m-minho?
Minho: wake up hyejin let's go to the beach
Hyejin: but.... I don't have any swim clothes and hyunjin....

Minho's smile faded.

Minho: you don't have a swim suit???
Hyejin: yea...

Hyejin scratched her head.

Minho: come on let's go shopping
Hyejin: I don't have any money....
Minho: it's ok,  I got this.

Minho woke up everyone else in the room.

Minho: WAKE UP!!

Everyone stood up straight and woke up because of Minho shouting.

Changbin: what now hyung....
Minho: let's go shopping!
Felix: now?.....
Minho: yes,  we need to buy swim clothes for hyejin and some more fashionable clothes.
Jeongin: hyung its to early.....
Minho: we will go to the beach after.

Jeongin's eyes widened when Minho mentioned the word beach.

Jeongin: hyungs!  Let's go!!!
Chan: alright alright,  let's go.
Jisung: but hyung,  we don't have proper clothes now...

Jisung pointed at his school uniform which they wore to sleep.

Minho: aish.... Find some from hyunjin's closet.
Hyejin: uh oppa.... Hyunjin's clothes are huge....

Everyone looked at changbin.

Changbin: I feel like all this directed at me...

Hyejin: oppa.... You can wear my clothes....

Felix burst out laughing but he stopped after seeing changbin's death glare.

Hyejin: don't worry,  my clothes are very boyish.  I don't fancy girly clothes.

Hyejin walked over to her closet and pulled out a set of clothes. 

It was a large brown hoodie and a white winter  jacket.

Hyejin: it's cold outside so you can wear the winter jacket too.
Changbin: I'll try it on.

Changbin went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and changed into the clothes hyejin gave him.

Minho: wow

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Minho: wow....
Hyejin: see,  it's nice.
Changbin: ok OK,  now it's you guys turn to changed.  Let's hurry before I get lazy..
Everyone: ok.

The other boys went to hyunjin's closet to find clothes.  Surprisingly,  all his clothes were very fashionable.

Jisung: hyejin,  will your brother mind if we took his clothes?
Hyejin: well,  he's not here.  And I always take his  clothes anyways.
Jisung: ok,  we help to wash them after use
Hyejin: sure.

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now