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The next day
Tuesday, 6.00am

The hwang siblings woke up at their normal time of 6 in the morning. They get out of bed and exercise for about 15 minutes. They repeat this every morning so that they would be strong and fit even though both were already really thin. Then after both of them showered, they ate a simple breakfast of toast and cheese.

They packed their bags and left the house.

They walked to the bus stop near their home and waited for the bus. Unlike normal days, hyejin felt unusually tired. She layed on hyunjin's shoulder, wrapping her arms around him. Taking in all his warmth. Hyunjin smiled at his sister and patted her head. Hyejin closed her eyes for a while as hyunjin continued stroking her hair. The feeling was so comfy she didn't want it to end.

"Hyejin ah, the bus is here" The older said as he poked the younger's squishy cheek.

Hyejin opened her eyes tiredly as she lazily walked into the bus.

Hyunjin: you can sleep a while more on the bus hyejinie.
Hyejin: ok.....

She fell asleep.

Her hands were once again wrapped around the older's waist. The older once again started stroking her hair as if she were a cat. The younger began snuggling in the older's soft jacket that he wore, the feeling was like hugging a human teddy bear.

After a while, hyunjin woke up the sleeping hyejin. Telling her that they have arrived at school. They took their bags and walked in. This time, hyejin felt more energized after her power nap.

Girl1: ahhhh it's hyunjin!!!
Girl2: oppaaaaaa!!!
Girl3: hyunjin oppa please marry me!
Girl4: I love you!!

As the siblings walked through the school gate, the older received a lot of attention from the female students. Unfortunately the younger was not very welcomed. Hyunjin is quiet like his sister, so is the rest of the 8 boys. But since they were all really attractive, they gained attention from a lot of people in the school, mostly girls. All the boys were really quiet and didn't like socializing, so they mostly stick to each other.

Hyejin continued receiving criticism from other girls but she got used to it and ignored it.

Once they entered the building they met the boys. They all said hi to each other. Then hyunjin immediately asked hyejin: " Hyejin are you alright? Did those girls hurt your feelings? " He was very concerned.

Jisung: wait what? What do you mean?
Hyunjin: the fan girls said bad things to hyejin while she was walking with me into the school...
Changbin: what! Why???
Chan: because she hangs out with us a lot. And we are considered the popular boys...
Seungmin: but I only talk to you guys! Other than that I don't have other friends. Why are these girls so mean...

Seungmin crossed his arms in anger.

Felix: calm down bro
Seungmin: how can I be calm? These girls are so mean. As if we live the best life...
Minho: I guess it is true... We look attractive but they don't understand how unsociable we are....
Hyejin: guys don't worry, I'm fine. I'm used to this
Seungmin: used to this? Oh god... This has been going on for a long time isn't it....
Hyejin: yea... Kinda...
Jeongin: don't worry, you have me... I mean us.
Minho: someone is in love~
Jeongin: hung what the heck...
Hyejin: oh don't be shy jeongin, you're cute.

Jeongin blushed at her words.

Minho grinned at the back. He mouthed "see" To jeongin who just rolled his eyes at his hyung's weirdness.

"Hey jeongin oppa"

The boys and hyejin turned around to see a girl with a Gucci bag, batting her eyelashes at jeongin. It was the most flirtatious girl in the school.

Jung Yumi.

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now