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Before lunch break ended, jeongin walked up to hyejin who was walking quietly next to her brother. She may have accidentally bumped into the wall a few times but hyunjin saved her many times.

The young boy tapped the girl on her shoulder. She turned around, hair flipping just like in those dramas. The young boy's heart fluttered so much he couldn't even speak. He was mesmerized by her beauty. She looked so much like her older brother. She even has the same mole under her eye.

Jeongin: h-hyejin, may I sit next to you in class?
Hyejin: sure.

She smiled as she continued walking back to class.

"How can I ever talk to her normally again... " The younger boy shrugged.

Back in class

Jeongin moved his bag to the empty seat next to hyejin. She was busy writing in her little notebook and didn't notice him at all.

"Hyejin ah, what are you doing? " Jeongin said, trying his best not to fanboy in front of her. " Oh, I was just writing some of my thoughts " She replied back as she smiled. Jeongin clutched his chest, breathing heavily.
"Jeongin? Are you ok? " She patted his back. "Yeah I'm fine, this happens whenever I see something really beautiful" He said, cheeks blushing a slight pink. Hyejin turned around and looked outside. "Your right it's super beautiful outside" She smiled and continued writing in her note book.

"Should I tell her? " The younger boy thought as he continued staring at her . Once hyejin realized what he was doing, she just smiled at him and continued her work.

"I love you" He muttered to himself.

~time skip~

When the school day was over, hyejin walked out of her class and went to find her brother.

Hyejin: hyunjin!
Hyunjin: hyejin!

Hyejin ran into her brother's embrace.

The little one hugged the older tightly as if he were here teddy bear. The older giggled and squished the younger's cheek. "Do you miss me that much" He asked. " I miss your warmth when I hug you" She replied back. "Well, let's go now, my boss texted me and said he wants to interview you" The older said. "Really?! " The younger exclaimed in excitement.

Hyejin skipped out until she reached the school gate when she walked with her brother to the cafe where he worked.

At the cafe

Hyejin greeted hyunjin's boss and bowed down 90 degrees to him. The boss smiled at the younger's manners.

The boss took her to his office where he interviewed her.

"Congratulations, you got the job! " The older man said. The younger smiled brightly upon hearing the news. " Thanks you so muchhhh, this means a lot to me! Now I can support my brother " The younger said. The boss couldn't believe how happy the younger was when he employed her to be the cashier and barista in his cafe. He also didn't understand what she meant by 'support my brother' but he didn't want to invade her privacy so he just shrugged it off. "Can I start working from today onwards? " The younger said. "Of course. Grab an apron and you can start" The boss replied with a smile. "Ok! ^^" The younger said while rushing to grab an apron.

With every customer that arrived, she greeted them politely, even those customers who were unpleasant.

"As long as I'm with hyunjin, I'm happy" She thought to herself. Who knows what could happen if she was separated from her brother.

Hyejin is actually very clingy to people she holds dear to her heart. She loves to cuddle and hug her brother. Hyunjin also loves receiving it and even gives cuddles back. Hyejin barely received any motherly or fatherly love and care, which explains why she clings onto her older brother a lot, but he doesn't mind, in fact he loves it.

While working at the cashier, the younger spotted a familiar face.

Hyejin: eh, jeongin?
Jeongin: hyejin?
Hyejin: how nice meeting you here
Jeongin: y-yea.
Hyejin: what brings you here?
Jeongin: oh I really felt like having a chocolate drink so I came here. But since you're here I guess I'll come everyday.

"How cute" She said, smiling. The younger boy blushed at her words. "T-thanks, you look cute too" He said, heart melting too much from her compliment earlier. Hyejin made him his drink and gave it to him.

"Here you go jeongin" She said with her cute smile. The younger boy had a hard time keeping his hand still. Mesmerized by her beauty and personality, he could barely move.

"May I have your number? " He finally said after grabbing all his courage to ask. " Sure, " She replied back as she took a small piece of paper where she wrote down her number. She passed the paper to jeongin and he left the cafe with a big smile on his face showing his braces.

"I should start coming here everyday" He thought to himself while holding the small piece of paper along with the girl's number.

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now