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Hyejin and jeongin stared at yumi for a while.  Jeongin remembered her look.  Emotionless once again since the last time he saw her.  This time,  yumi was wearing a white shirt that was stained a little and black shorts.

'What happened to her? ' jeongin thought. 

Hyejin: is that yumi?
Jeongin: yea...
Hyejin: she looks different..
Jeongin: yea... She does..

The couple stared for a while,  until yumi noticed them.  That's when she started to look sad,  not in a bratty way but depressed. But yumi didn't walk over to them, instead she continued on with what she came to the coffee shop to do.  She bought a coffee,  but didn't drink it.

Hyejin: let's go now,  we're done with our food anyways.
Jeongin: you sure?
Hyejin: something isn't right with yumi... I know I'm not supposed to be such a busy body but,  this isn't normal.  It looks like she has bruises too..
Jeongin: I'll pay for the food.
Hyejin: t-thanks jeongin.

Jeongin paid for the food and left the cafe.


"Get me a damn coffee now! "

I had no choice.  I had to get it for her.  If not,  who knows what would happen to me.  I don't care about my looks anymore,  nor what I wear.  In a dirty white shirt and black pants,  I walked to the nearby coffee shop to get me mother her coffee. I walked into the coffee shop and lined up to buy the coffee. 

"Yumi? " I heard from the distance.  It wasn't loud.  Clearly I wasn't meant to hear it.  I heard a conversation,  my name being mentioned many times.  I turned my head. 

It was jeongin and hyejin.

In the past,  I would've tried to get his attention.  But I'm not like that anymore.  I don't think I can feel emotion anymore.  Soon,  it was my turn to order.

"One hot americano please,  to go" I said the the cashier.  "One hot Americano,  that will be 5,000won. " I gave him the money. 

I waited for a while.  Finally my drink arrived.  Sigh I said it wrong,  her drink arrived.  I rolled my eyes at my own thought.  I thanked the person and left the cafe.  'I wish it took them longer to make this,  ugh'

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now