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The boys got ready and sat around hyejin's bed.

Hyejin: I guess there are a lot of things to get off my chest...
Chan: don't worry, just tell us, we won't judge.
Hyejin: ok...

Hyejin: so, my real mom was an alcoholic. Doctors had to stay with her and make her eat well so that she won't kill me and hyunjin. She murdered my "dad" Who technically raped her while she was drunk. When we were 4 and 5, she kicked us out of the house. She abused is for a long time. She took her anger out on us. After kicking us out, an old woman found us and took care of us. She mended our wounds and treated us like her own children. When I was 10, she passed away from her old age. Me and hyunjin promised to stick together and he promised to stay by my side. But look now.....

Hyejin burst out in tears again as she retold her story.

Jeongin hugged her tightly as her tears flowed out. Soon, the other boys joined in too.

Chan: it's ok, we're here for you...
Hyejin: but you guys can't always be with me... You all have your own families... Their more important...
Chan: looks like we have some stuff to get off our chest too....

Chan looked at woojin. They seemed to know what each other were thinking. Woojin nodded.

Chan: only jeongin has real parents. Other than that, most of us are just like you hyejin.
Hyejin: what...
Chan: why do you think I live alone?
Hyejin: what about your families in Australia?
Chan: I was told I was nothing but an accident
Felix: my parents went missing, either that or they abandoned me...
Hyejin: I'm so sorry...
Minho: but honestly, out of all of us... You seem to be the most pitiful, hyejin.
Hyejin: like I said, the world is probably against me. I had nothing but bad luck...
Seungmin: well, we are here...
Changbin: yeah, we're here for you.
Jisung: and Minho has money that we can use
Minho: are you using me for money...
Jisung: not like that... Ok I'm sorry I love you hyung.


Yumi took out her phone as she layed in her bed. Her parents were on holiday and she didn't have to bother about her step mom.

Her phone rang.

Yumi: hello?
Nancy: yumi-
Yumi: break up with hyunjin
Nancy: wait what? Why?
Yumi: break up with him.
Nancy: why should I? He is fun to play with.
Yumi: wait what did you-
Nancy: no we didn't do anything yumi. He is like a dog, always listening to me.
Yumi: Nancy, let him go back to hyejin.
Nancy: yumi! What has gotten in to you? Yesterday you were complaining how much you hated her, now you want hyunjin to gk back to her?
Yumi: it's a long story...
Nancy: whatever, I'm keeping him
Yumi: nanc-
Nancy: byeee.

Nancy hung up.

"What am I gonna do.... I messed up.. "

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now