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Jeongin was admiring himself in the mirror until he got a text.

Hey jeongin,  I'm almost reaching the park,  see you at the bench near the lake
Ah ok I'll be there soon :)
Bye :)

Jeongin kept his phone in his pocket and left the house.  Before leaving,  he told his mom so that she wouldn't worry about him.  Then he got out the door and walked to the park.

When he arrived at the park,  he saw hyejin sitting at the bench.  She was looking at the lake.  She wore a pastel pink sweater and a white skirt.

Her hair blew in the wind making her look ethereal. 

Jeongin screamed internally as he looked at the sight.  He took a deep breath and walked to the bench.

Jeongin: hey hyejin
Hyejin: oh hi jeongin.
Jeongin: you look beautiful
Hyejin: you look cute too

She said as she pinched his cheek. 

Jeongin turned a slight pink at her action.

"Are you blushing? " She asked,  giggling at the boy's cuteness.  "Heh... Maybe" Jeongin said,  a little embarrassed.

Hyejin: you know what...
Jeongin: what
Hyejin: I like your personality,  it gave me an idea for a new story.

She quickly took out her phone and typed some notes.

Jeongin: what are you doing?
Hyejin: I'm typing notes for the character.  He will be just like you
Jeongin: l-like me???
Hyejin: yea.  He will be sweet,  cute and handsome.  Just like you.

Those words replayed in his head.  'She thinks I'm cute.... ' he smiled. 

Suddenly,  he felt weight on his shoulder.  He looked to the side and saw hyejin lying on his shoulder.  He was shocked.

Hyejin: you know... You're a really amazing friend.... I'm so glad to have you.  The other boys are nice too..

Hyejin hugged jeongin,  eyes still focusing on the lake. Then,  she snuggled on his shoulder,  enjoying his warmth when she hugged him.  Jeongin,  was blushing like crazy. 

He hesitated whether to stroke her hair or not.  It looked so silky to him. He feared that she would feel uncomfortable by his touch.  But he threw away the negative thoughts and stroked her head.  It seemed like hyejin enjoyed it too.

They stayed in that position for a long time until hyejin got  a call.

Hyejin: hello?
Hyunjin: hyejin ah,  come back home.  I made dinner
Hyejin: oh ok.  Coming
Hyunjin: bye
Hyejin: bye bye

Hyejin hung up and looked at jeongin. 

Hyejin: I'm sorry innie but I need to go home and eat dinner.
Jeongin: oh ok.... I'll see you at school tomorrow then
Hyejin: sure.  You can sit with me if you want
Jeongin: I will
Hyejin: see you.

Before leaving,  she quickly pecked jeongin on his cheek.

"Bye! " She exclaimed as she ran home.

Jeongin sat on the bench,  holding his cheek. Mouth wide open,  brain processing what just happened. Cheeks blushing a bright red.  With the color of his cheeks,  he could easily be a traffic light.

" Either it's my lucky day today or that  banana milk brought me good luck '

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now