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Hyejin reached home to the smell of delicious food.  She saw hyunjin waiting for her at their tiny dining table with kimchi stew and some rice.

"Wahhh~" She exclaimed in delight.  She put down her bag and hugged her brother.

Hyejin: this looks delicious
Hyunjin: and it is delicious
Hyejin: you are amazing
Hyunjin: so are you

Hyunjin pecked hyejin on her cheek. Then she sat down and ate with her brother.

"Wahhh this is so goooddd" She said as she took a big bite of rice and some soup.  "I'm glad you like it" He replied back,  sipping his soup.

After dinner,  hyejin helped hyunjin to wash the dishes.

Hyejin: hyunjin oppa,  I came up with a new story idea
Hyunjin: tell me about it
Hyejin: actually,  this character is inspired by jeongin.
Hyunjin: oh really?
Hyejin: yep.

Before telling him about her story idea,  hyejin sat on the bed next to hyunjin and clinged to him like a bear,  snuggling in their sheets.

Hyejin: well,  so a loner girl meets this boy.  He is really popular in school but then one day the girl gets bullied.  And the boy stood up to the bully and said he was her boyfriend.  It was awkward at first but then they really started dating.
Hyunjin: wahhh

He said while clapping his hands and smiling

Hyunjin: that story sounds amazing
Hyejin: thanks! I should start writing it now
Hyunjin: go and write then
Hyejin: I will!

Hyejin took out her laptop and put in on their little dining table.  She turned it on and started typing.  Hyunjin sat on the bed and played on his phone.

Hyejin typed on her computer for easily an hour. In the end,  she managed to write 6 chapters of her story.

*tap tap tap*

Hyunjin looked up from his phone,  looking at his sister as she typed on her laptop.  He saw her smile a few times as she typed.

'Didn't she say the boy character is based on jeongin?  The female character sounds like herself... ' he smiled at his own thought.

'I think she has a crush on jeongin.  How cute' he fanboyed a little at his own thought.

'My baby sister is growing up so fast' he wiped away a fake tear.


Jeongin sat on his bed as he scrolled through instagram.

'I wonder if hyejin has Instagram..  I mean she has a phone... She should have it right? '

Jeongin started typing on his phone hoping to find hyejin's Instagram.

"Yes!  She does have instagram" He clicked her profile and started looking and liking her posts.


hwang_hyejin my bro @hwang_hyunjin took a photo of me while I was playing on my computer 😂

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hwang_hyejin my bro @hwang_hyunjin took a photo of me while I was playing on my computer 😂


Hwang_hyunjin: awww my baby sis is so cute 😍 my photography skills are bomb   

CB97: the hwang siblings are total sibling goals

Seochangbin: I love dark

mean.seungk: @seochangbin that isn't even related to this pic

Seochangbin: @mean.seungk well I just wanted to say I prefer dark over light. But hyejin looks good in both.

Hwang_hyunjin: @seochangbin hey!  Don't flirt with my baby sis  

Seochangbin: @hwang_hyunjin over protective much...

Hwang_hyunjin: *click* unfollow

Seochangbin: ok I'm sorry ㅠㅠ pls don't unfollow me

Hwang_hyunjin: I win ㅋㅋ

Seochangbin: ㅜㅜ

DolphI. N: hyejin,  you look pretty

Jeongin typed his comment,  feeling a little fluttered by what he typed. 

'I hope she doesn't think I'm weird... '

DolphI. N


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DolphI. N how do I know if I fell in love with someone?

@all my hyungs

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now