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Around 7pm,  the two siblings walked back home together.  The younger held the older's hands as she felt comfort in doing so. After a minute or 2 of walking,  they reached their home.  It wasn't big but big enough for the both of them.  They both lived in an apartment basement.  The house was small but the rental was cheap enough for the two siblings to afford. 

The older took out the keys from his bag and opened the door.  The set their bags down near the door and packed it for the next school day.  The younger one took a shower first while the older prepared some food. 

In their house,  there was one bathroom and the living room and bedroom was the same place.  They had a tiny table for them to eat and a drawer for them to keep food and snacks.  Lastly there was a closet that they shared to keep their clothes and a clothes rack. 

After the younger finished showering,  the older one showered. The younger plopped herself on their small mattress that they share and played on her phone. 

-you have received a message from unknown-

She opened her phone and read the message.

Hey hyejin,  it's me jeongin.  Your brother's friend.
Oh,  hi jeongin ^^
I was wondering,  do you work at the cafe everyday?
Yes I do.  I will take overtime if I need to to support my brother ^_^

The two siblings never told anyone about their situation.  They didn't want people to pity them.

That's nice of you hyejin :)
Hehe thanks ^^

Meanwhile in jeongin's home,  the younger boy was holding his phone tightly as he texted the girl. 

'Even the way she texts is cute... ' he thought. 

'But what did she mean  when she said support her brother....?? '

The younger boy shrugged it off,  not wanting to invade her privacy. 

They 2 kids chatted for a long time.

Hey jeongin,  my brother is calling me for dinner.  I gtg
Oh ok see u tmr :)  can i sit next to you?
Of course!  You're more than welcome to sit with me everyday if you want ^^

The boy held his phone  lose to his chest as his mind wandered all over the place.

Back at the home of the hwang siblings,  hyunjin made some simple ramen and made it slightly healthier by adding as much vegetables as possible.  Ramen was the cheapest thing they had so the older tries his best to make it healthier.

The meal was small and slightly filling but the siblings ignore their hunger and go to sleep.  This could explain wht the 2 we're so thin. But somehow they were both still very tall.  They both layed down on their bed.  The older pecked the younger on her forehead.  "Good night muffin" He said as she closed her eyes and drifted into slumber.

"Take your shit and leave"

"Are you kicking us out mom.... "

"Yes now take your sister with you"

"Take all this luggage and go.  If you think about returning them bring some money and I may let you stay"

They  didn't know what to do,  the older, 5, the younger,  4. How could they possibly live on their own with no money at all....

"Oppa.... How are we gonna survive? " The younger said as tear filled her eyes.

The older pulled out something from his pocket. 

It was money.

"Don't worry,  we have a little bit of money.  We can but a little bit of food with this " The older reassured. 

The older hugged the younger as she began to cry.  He wiped her tears and lifted her chin.

"Everything will be alright as long as we stick together"

Hyejin sat up straight as she awoke from her dream. It happened again.  For the past few nights,  hyejin wakes up in the middle of the night because of her reoccurring dream which is actually a flash back of why they were so poor.

Hyunjin was awoken too by the sound of the younger's heavy sighs. 

"Is everything alright?  " He asked in a sleepy voice

She didn't reply.

The older instantly knew what was wrong.

"You had the dream again isn't it? "

"Yea.... "

"I'm here if you need me.  If you feel scared I am here for you.  As siblings,  we stick together through thick and thin".

The younger smiled.  Before going back to sleep,  the older pecked the younger's forehead once again to relax her. She hugged him tightly as she close her eyes and fell back asleep.

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now