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Hyunjin woke up early as per usual but today,  he woke up even earlier.  He wrote a note for Nancy,  telling her that he would be out for a while. He snuck out of the house and went to find hyejin.

He knocked on the door. 

*knock knock*


Jeongin couldn't sleep,  no matter how much he tried. 'Will hyunjin hung really come back tomorrow?  Even though I told him not to.... He believes I was hyejin... ' he closed his eyes trying to relax again after that thought.

*knock knock*

'What the heck?  Who would come here at this time? ' jeongin groaned as he got out of bed to see who was at the door. 


Hyunjin waited for someone to open the door.  Hopefully hyejin since she always wakes up early.

The door opened.

"Hyej-" Hyunjin paused.  "Jeongin? "
"Hyung? " They both looked at each other in shock.

Hyunjin: jeongin!  What are you doing here?
Jeongin: what about you!  I thought I told you not to come!
Hyunjin: you??  You texted me?!
Jeongin: shoot....
Hyunjin: are you trying to seperate me and my own sister?
Jeongin: no!  And it wasn't me!  It was you!  Who asked you to ditch her for your girlfriend?
Hyunjin: I finally found a new person in my life!  Why can't you be happy for me?!?!
Jeongin: hyung!  Nancy is evil!  She bullies hyejin,  she kicked her to the sand,  yet you still protect her. 

Hyunjin pushed jeongin.

Jeongin: yah!!!

Jeongin yelled loudly,  waking up everyone in the little house including hyejin.

Hyunjin: everyone is here?!

Hyunjin started getting mad.
Hyejin: oppa??  What are you doing here?...

The words that left hyejin's mouth didn't sound happy nor sad.  It was emotionless.  Hyunjin couldn't tell if she was happy or if she was still mad.

Hyunjin: hyejin!

Hyunjin was about to run to hyejin but jeongin blocked him. 

"Leave" Jeongin said in a stern voice. 
"Who are you to tell me what to do?  I'm older than you" Hyunjin scoffed. 

Chan: yah!  Calm down now! 

Hyunjin and jeongin backed away from each other.  They stared at each other with deep hatred in their eyes.  Both of them looked at hyejin at the same time. 

Hyejin stood there watching.  No emotion was on her face.  Yet,  hyunjin could see the pain in her eyes.  She is good at hiding her feelings and putting on a poker face. 

Hyunjin could see behind her mask

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now