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*knock knock*

Hyejin heard a knock from the door.  She opened it and saw Felix.

Hyejin: eh?  Felix,  where's the others
Felix: so you see... I ran all the way here while they went to buy food.
Hyejin: why did you run here?
Felix: to ask you a question.  Do you like jeongin?

Hyejin paused for a moment.  'He's cute.... And nice... Do i like him?? ' she questioned herself.

Hyejin: I think I do.
Felix: perfect. 
Hyejin: ok....
Felix: you guys should date.  You guys look so adorable together uwu
Hyejin: heh.....

Hyejin blushed.

*knock knock*

She opened the door revealing all the boys.  Chan and woojin were holding plastic bags filled with food.  Minho and the others were carrying their luggage bags.

Minho: say hello to your roommates for the month.
Hyejin: heh,  hello~ come in and make yourself at home.

Hyejin helped the boys to take their luggage and place it in their small house.

Hyejin: sorry I'm my house is too cramped and small...
Chan: it's ok.  Now where's the kitchen
Hyejin: we don't really have a kitchen.... It's actually just a stove and a cupboard with plates and stuff.... Oh and a mini fridge
Chan: I can make due with that

Chan opened the grocery bags and took out a bunch of food.

Chan: welcome to chan's kitchen.  Today,  I will be making kimchi stew and bibimbap.
Hyejin: wow oppa,  you can cook?
Chan: of course I can. Now go relax,  I'll cook dinner.

Chan started taking out the ingredients and began cooking.  To clean the utensils,  he had to wash it in the bathroom sink.

Everyone plopped on the bed and enjoyed the small space. 

Jeongin sat on the bed next to hyejin as both of them played on their phones,  scrolling through Instagram. 


Hwang_hyunjin with my love,  @nancy00

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Hwang_hyunjin with my love,  @nancy00


Nancy00: awwwww

Hwang_hyunjin: saranghaeyo baby😘

Isa_bella: aww both of you look so cute together

Nancy00: thanks @isa_bella

Yourstruly.yumi: awwww you guys are total couple goals

Nancy00: thanks,  and nothing is in my way

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now