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After driving for a while,  they finally reached kyochon.

Felix ran into the restaurant like a child while yelling chicken.

Jisung: come on,  sit down. Felix already ordered. 

All of the kids sat down as they ordered and waited for the chicken.  They were taking peacefully together.

Seungmin: look...

Seungmin pointed to the entry and the others turned around to look.

Jeongin: ew
Seungmin: yumi....

But unlike normal times,  yumi was in normal clothes.  Her hair was messed up and her smile was gone.  She didn't even bother to go to jeongin or the others.

Seungmin: what's wrong with her? 
Changbin: don't know don't care
felix: chicken is here.  No time to bother about that.
Chan: something is off..
Minho: since when did you care hyung?
Chan: not that I care,  but something really is off.  She isn't wearing her fancy branded clothing,  instead she looks like a homeless....
Minho: so what?  She brought us nothing but pain.  Just ignore her...

The kids decided to listen to Minho and ignore yumi who was sitting on a table across from theirs,  looking tired while waiting for her food.

Hyejin: should I talk to her?.
Jeongin: no way,  she just wants attention
Hyejin: alright then...

When the kids were done eating,  Minho went to pay for their meal. 

Hyejin : I'm going to the restroom.  I'll be right back
Jeongin: sure.

Hyejin took her small bag and went to the bathroom.  She was washed her hands that were oily from the chicken.

"Hey you"

'What now... ' hyejin thought.

She turned around and saw yumi,  face still emotionless.

Hyejin: what do you want now....
Yumi: why do you always get what you want?  I want to be happy too
Hyejin: what?
Yumi: you have everything I could ever want.  Nice friends,  jeongin.  Why can't I have that?
Hyejin: I'm just lucky I guess..
Yumi: lucky?  Yea right you are.  You have all the happiness I have ever wanted!  You don't understand the pain I have once I get home! My own mother left me and my father!  In the end,  he married an evil bitch who treats me like a maid even though she can hire real ones.  And look at you,  9 boys at your fingertips,  doing everything you ask them to do!  Why... Why?!

Hyejin looked mad now.

Hyejin: lucky?  Do you really think I don't suffer pain?  The face you see everyday is nothing but a mask to hide my true broken self.  Your pain,  is nothing like the pain I have suffered for 18 years! 

Yumi: what could you have possibly have endured that was worse than mine? 

Hyejin: I'll tell you.  And you'll see the true face behind this mask.  The true face I have been hiding for years. 

"Jung yumi,  you're pain is nothing like mine"

Writer | Yang JeonginWhere stories live. Discover now